Music Software
See also Accompaniment
Audacity - Free open source program for audio recording
Music Notation
Finale - MakeMusic produces Finale, NotePad (free), PrintMusic, Allegro, Songwriter
Sibelius - includes Sibelius 4, Sibelius Sounds (CD creation), PhotoScore Professional 4 (scan music), Scorch (view, play, print Sibelius score on the Internet)
Noteflight - online music notation. Basic program is free; Premium version with many more features: Noteflight Crescendo is $49 per year. Web-based program “to create and share musical ideas online.”
Musescore - free cross-platform WYSIWIG music composition & notation software. Integrated sequencer and software synthesizer.
Forte - “intelligent music notation software.” See article “Forte in 10 minutes” [pdf file]
Music Notation Software - a site devoted to the many music notation software packages - an amazing collection by Gordon Callon. See also the list of shareware notation programs available for download at Hitsquad Musician Network.
Music Software Directories (shareware, freeware - many, many categories of music software from audio editors to vocoders).
Hitsquad Musician Network - Shareware Music Machine
Transcribe! For Mac or PC. Will help you transcribe music from an audio source. I t can also be used for play-along practice. "It can change pitch and speed instantly, and you can store and recall any number of named loops.
The Amazing Slow Downer - for Mac OS X. Slow down or speed up music (e.g. from a CD) without changing the pitch. Loop segments, adjust the EQ and pitch. Great for transcription. Very slick!
Music Education
Theta Music Trainer - solves the problem of dry, academic learning of learning music theory and ear training through the use of musical games. Instead of monotonous drills, games are fun and thus self-motivating. Designed for all levels, these games train the user in melody, harmony, rhythm, and sound, and can be used by all levels of musicians and/or music students; master one level and you move up to a more challenging level.

Ars Nova - a company that offers 3 programs (Mac or PC): Practica Musica (music theory and ear training tutor), Counterpointer (counterpoint tutor), and Songworks (music notation)
Music Math - is a freeware program for the Mac that converts note values (Beats Per Minute, Transpose, Delay, Samples, Timestretch, per cent, and more.
Broadband Expert - links to a variety of computer music resources, including acoustics, psychoacoustics, additive synthesis and sampling, computer music, signal processing, MIDI, music languages, wavelets, organizations, and computer music links. (A tip of the hat for this link to alert reader Sarah Golding)