Sheet Music

[See also Orchestral Scores, Horn Ensemble, Brass Quintet, Woodwind Quintet]
Near the bottom of this page is a list of Free Sheet Music Sources as well.
The Literature section of the Forum of the web site of the International Horn Society is a great place to ask or answer any questions about the literature of the horn.
IHS Online Music Library - purchase instant pdf downloads of horn music. Replaces the IHS Manuscript Press.
Iowa has three excellent music stores (each with multiple locations), which are especially useful if you're looking for music for horn and piano for Gr. 1-3: West Music, Rieman Music, and Kephart Music.

Hickey's Music Online
Hickey's is an impressively comprehensive online source for sheet music, accessories, manuscript paper, orchestral scores & parts, chamber music, textbooks, software; it even boasts a repair shop and rentals. And more... The interface is very user-friendly. Very handy is a downloadable catalog (pdf) of all their horn offerings.
Robert King Music
Robert King (owned by Alphonse Leduc) is a large [“30,000 titles in stock”] and fairly comprehensive source for brass music. Their catalog is now available as a searchable database on this site (a search for “horn and piano” turned up 1031 titles; click on “composer” to see arranged alphabetically by composer. Tip: watch how you phrase what you’re looking for. “Four horns” will get you a lot more titles than “horn quartet,” and “four horns” is better than “4 horns”. Go figure). King’s print catalog is once again available.
Operatic Horn - sheet music arrangements for 4-8 horns of mainly opera repertoire, but you can also find medleys of Beatles and Frank Sinatra tunes, Fanfare for the Common Man, and other non-opera goodies. Attractive web site.
CD ROMs of Horn Music - As long as it lasts... the "Clarinet Institute of Los Angeles" is offering quite the deal(s) on eBay: a CD stuffed with (public domain) horn music for $10 plus $3.85 shipping. Everything is in pdf format - print out whatever you want. A ton of stuff: 23 books of Horn studies (Kopprasch, Kling, Maxime Alphonse, etc), 80 pieces for Horn and Piano (piano parts included) - a lot of standard repertoire and some lesser known stuff, 14 duets for two horns, 6 trios, 23 Horn Quartets, 77 Brass Quartets and 52 pieces of Chamber Music - Mozart Divertimenti, Octets, Strauss Wind ensembles, etc, etc. Have a look as well at their Woodwind Quintet CD ROM - same deal
Stephens Music also offers some CD sheet music collections: 1) CDSM Horn Solos, Studies & Methods (1700 pages, 35+ composers; 8 methods) $15 and 2) CDSM Horn Chamber Music (4000 pages, 40+ composers; duets, trios, quartets, quintets, composer biographies, 1911 Grove’s Dictionary of Music articles, et al.).
Horn Etudes - is a bibliography of horn etudes by the ever-energetic Ricardo Matosinhos, which was originally his dissertation - an annotated bibliography of etudes for horn published between 1950 and 2012. He intends to expand this listing to before 1950, but that’s where it is right now. It’s a little deceptive, because it looks very much like an online sheet music store. He does give you information on the publisher (+ web site) if you want to order. Very helpful are his annotations for each volume: highest and lowest notes, clefs, dynamic range, number of etudes, size, difficulty level, composer dates, everything but the composer’s favorite color, and knowing Ricardo, that’s probably next. Well done!
Solid Brass Music Company
They specialize in brass music and their selection includes some harder-to-find-in-the-US European publishers. Very good links page to composers, small publishers of brass music, and brass organizations.
Wind Music Publications - Home of such venerable tomes as Farkas's Art of Brass Playing, Art of Musicianship, and Photo Study of 40 Embouchures...; Yancich's Practical Guide to French (sic) Horn Playing, and much more. No internet orders; phone, fax, or snailmail only. But you can ogle the publications online and print out a pdf order form.

Orchestral Horn Excerpts
This is the online presentation of (UI horn studio alumnus) Daren Robbins’ doctoral thesis on the most important orchestral horn excerpts and it is worth its weight in gold for making access to the excerpts exceptionally quick easy. Features: 48 excerpts (from Brandenburg to Oberon), printed (and printable!) excerpts, 4 recorded versions (including with period instruments) of various interpretations that you can hear (via Quicktime) online. Bravo, Daren! All excerpts are now available in a 160 page spiral-bound book – order here ($30). A link to upcoming auditions is also provided.
Thompson Editions
A specialty publisher/distributor of music for horn (280 items for horn currently listed in many categories); publisher of the huge orchestral horn part compendium. “Founded in 1985 at the behest of Robert King, we specialize in quality solo and chamber music publications for brass, and also have one of the most complete collections of standard concerto repertoire in transcription for solo instrument(s) and symphonic band. Additionally... we are specialists in tracking down hard-to-find publications from other publishers. So if you have been experiencing difficulties in locating a particular solo, chamber or ensemble work, method book, etc., please feel free to e-mail us and we will do our best to supply it. ...We have expanded our offerings to include exciting new lines of horn cases, mouthpieces and mutes.”
Thompson also sells a quality line of horn cases, gig bags, mutes, and mouthpieces. His weighty (over 1000 pages) Orchestral Audition Repertoire book (collection of copies of the original orchestral parts) is essential for any horn player preparing for an orchestral career.
The Hornists' Nest
Lowell Shaw is a national treasure as far as horn players are concerned, turning out wonderful arrangements and jazzy compositions for horn ensembles for half a century.
Or-Tav Music Publications - Israel Brass Woodwind Publications. “Israel's leading independent music publisher, specializing in music for solo instruments, ensembles, voice, and choir. We also publish books on music, music notebooks, and compact discs, and distribute publications from other publishers.” Or-Tav includes the horn music of the publishing company founded years ago by the late and great Meir Rimon. Access their international store here. For North America, Or-Tav publications are also available from Worldwide Music Services.
VerMeulen Music offers a great assortment of horn octets (with a separate category for Christmas octets), all arrangements of classical, Broadway, folk, and jazz tunes. Sample titles: Beatles Medley, Beauty and the Beast, Birdland, I Remember Clifford, Les Mis, Jurassic Park, Malagueña, Mission Impossible, Vivaldi "Spring."
June Emerson Wind Music
Tons of all kinds of music; a bit like the Robert King site but prettier. A search for "Horn Pieces” [i.e. horn alone or horn and piano] turned up 996 (!). Brass quintets: 1,365. An embarrassment of riches! I even found some compositions listed by an obscure composer named Agrell. Lots of pieces not easily found in the US (or known - the Brits have a raft of music for horn that we almost never hear about. This is the place to catch up on what's out there!). Pieces are graded A (easy) to E (difficult), a big plus. A great place to find good new music that’s little known in the US is Emerson’s section of ABRSM pieces (exams pieces) - 93 titles, 8 grades of difficult.
Bookmark this one and mark it with stars and streamers!
Solid Wood Publishing- Jim Emerson's Horn Editions is no more, but it has been incorporated into Solid Wood’s site, which specializes in horn and brass music. Proprietor/hornist/arranger/composer Daniel Wood also offers pieces from the repertoire of the professional horn quartet Quadre (of which Wood is a member). Categories include: Horn in Chamber Music (solo horn/alphorn, horn & ensemble, horn & organ, horn & piano, horn & trumpet, horn & timpani, natural horn and piano, horn, trombone & tuba, horn, violin & piano), 2-18 horns (i.e. horn ensemble), Seasonal/Sacred music, brass & woodwind quintets, brass ensemble.
Music Exchange - British online sheet music vendor with a big horn section. A search for horn lists 402 sheet music entries. Like other European vendors, they offer a considerable array of items that US musicians know little or nothing about, as well as offering titles that are hard-to-get or not available stateside. Definitely worth a look. Prices in Euros and dollars. Titles unsorted by category (e.g. horn and piano); listed alphabetically by last name of composer.
Original manuscript of W.A. Mozart’s Concerto for Horn in Eb major, K. 495 From the Morgan Library. In color.
Paxman offers more than just horns: they also sell CDs, the Orchestra Musician’s CD ROM Library, and notably the sheet music to the London Horn Sound arrangements. An interesting source of good and useful music not necessarily well known in the US are the required pieces for the British Associated Board Examinations, Grades 1-8. There is also considerable music for horn & piano, horn duets, trios, quartets & ensembles, plus books, excerpt collections, and CDs.
This is the web site of Gary Slechta, a terrific arranger of music for brass quintet. Categories of BQs: Christmas, Church, Transcriptions, Ceremonial, Educational, Recordings, Trombone ensembles. First rate arrangements.
Robert Ostermeyer Editions
Attractive web site. Extensive collection of music for horn, much of it hard-to-find-elsewhere items. (The UI Rita Benton Music Library has much of the Ostermeyer catalog). Terrific selection of chamber music for horn; ditto for horn CDs. Wait, there’s more: books on horn, links to horn makers, hunting horn stuff.
Ken Pope
I know what you're thinking - Ken Pope is a repairman and sells new and used horns. Oh, and accessories, CDs, books, etc. Right you are. But he also offers a fine and extensive selection of all kinds of sheet music: brass and woodwind quintets, horn ensembles (duets through octets), solos, methods, etudes, excerpts, and more. Very user-friendly, easy-on-the-eyes web site. Kudos to Ken!
Pelican Music Publishing
Wide assortment of compositions and arrangements for horn, horn ensemble, and horn in chamber music.
Solid Wood Publishing - “Specialists of horn music and more.” Horn in chamber music, 2-18 horns (ensemble), seasonal/sacred music, brass, winds & more. Solid Wood also carries the titles of horn music formerly carried by Jim Emerson (we especially like the Don Abernathy pieces).
Veritas Musica - music for brass and woodwoods, solo & ensemble, and, incidentally, the only place you can order Circus Etudes for woodwind quintet by Jeffrey Agrell.
Really Good Music - The horn offerings from this site number about 4 dozen, and the title of the site is correct: there is some really good music for horn here, notably a mother load of titles by Douglas Hill, our personal nomination for the most amazing/talented/totally cool horn teacher/player/composer/bird watcher ever. There are other high quality pieces here by some other talented hornist/composers, making this a site to remember and order from again and again.
Faust Music
Randall Faust has long been one of the most creative hornists around. His web site is a model of clarity and user-friendliness and gives us all easy access to his considerable body of works (plus those of some other composers & publishers) in many categories. Prof. Faust is also an alumnus of The University of Iowa!
Cimarron Music Press - has many arrangements and original works for horn and brass ensemble.
Elkin Music International - Reputation as a source for classical music from foreign publishers, especially rare or obscure editions. Download their entire catalog (pdf) - 752 pages!
Attractive site with a good selection in various categories (solo horn, horn ensemble, brass chamber music, etc.). What is unique and wonderful about their offerings is that they provide 1) the names of the individual movements of pieces, 2) links to any reviews (e.g. from The Horn Call) of the sheet music, and (for some, not all) views of the score. Nice touches, all. Well, done, Brassworks4!
Pel Music Publications - Large selection of arrangements; some original music. Catalog includes solos, duets, trios, quartets, quintets for horn, plus brass quartets and quintets, brass choir and more. Pel also offers "custom arrangements for small instrumental ensembles, band or orchestra accompaniments for solos of small ensembles, and accompaniments for unaccompanied" music. Attractive web site with a good set of links.
Phoenix Music
Is a European publisher whose catalogue is distributed in the US by Brodt Music. Phoenix offers a wide variety of high quality music for horn, horn ensemble, and brass various brass ensembles, most notably the works of award-winning composer Kerry Turner and his many works for the American Horn Quartet.
Last Resort Music - What we like about this site the most is three spiral-bound collections of arrangements for horn and piano: 1) 18 Sacred & Spiritual Solos (Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring), Amazing Grace, Ave Maria, etc.), 2) 20 Encore and Recital Pieces (Bach - Air...; Joplin - Rag...; Ravel - Pavane...; etc.), 18 Traditional Christmas Solos. These are solos that you could play for all kinds of occasions on short notice, and we have Daniel Kelly to thank for all of these. The pieces are all fairly short, not too difficult, have attractive/well-known melodies, and avoid extremes of register; ditto the piano parts. What comes to mind here is the usefulness for getting a lot of performing (churches, weddings, nursing homes, hospitals, schools, etc etc) for free or pay without having to work a year and a day on each piece. The Encore volume has a few more challenges (Le Basque is probably the most challenging in the book), but almost all of the rest is sight-reading material for an advanced (or even semi-advanced) player. Get all three volumes, give them to friends, play them for neighbors...
McCoy's Horn Library
University of Iowa horn studio alumnus Marv McCoy started this sheet music publishing business in 1977 with a few of his own horn quartet arrangements and two Alphorn works. The catalog has grown tremendously over the years, and the business is now owned by McCoy's daughter Terry Preston. A lot of excellent music for horn in a variety of categories.
Brasswind Publications is an excellent source of high quality brass music (solo, ensemble, chamber music, brass band, concertos, more), much of which is hard to find in the US. Pay special attention to their Series collection, such as the London Brass Series (4, 5, 7, and 10 part ensembles).
Baltimore Horn Club
"Founded by Baltimore horn player and music educator, Dr. Leigh Martinet, the Baltimore Horn Club has been a meeting place for professional and high quality amateur horn players in the Baltimore area for many years. Baltimore Horn Club Publications arose to fill what Dr. Martinet saw, back in the 1950's - 60's as a void in the quantity of good horn ensemble literature. Baltimore Horn Club Publications are a huge collection of well arranged and fun to play works for horn ensemble from duet through octet, by Dr. Martinet in his impeccable manuscript."cript.
Cornopub is the music publishing site of Corbin Wagner of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Features: a new edition of the Kopprasch etudes (10-pack customized version!), plus "Kopprasch Down Under" - transposed Kopprasch for low range and bass clef practice. Also: new editions of concertos by Mozart, Franz Strauss, and R. Strauss, plus Villanelle and Morceau...
Editions Bim & The Brass Press
Good collection of high quality music for horn (and brass).
Quintessential Brass Repertoire offers many transcriptions for brass quintet useful for weddings and ceremonies, with genres including classical, religious, jazz/pop, Christmas, and Hannuka. There are similar offerings for brass trio.
Tap Music Sales - has some sheet music for horn and various brass ensembles - but look under Recordings...(!)
International Horn Society Manuscript Press - order fom - the place to order many of the winners of the IHS composition contests from over the years.
Hornarama - Australian horn site offering a wide assortment of sheet music for horn (plus CDs, accessories, classifieds, links and more).
Cherry Classics - a few horn and piano arrangements and transcriptions, but what will be of most interest to hornists are the many brass quintet arrangements.
Mozart Millenium Edition
New edition of the Mozart horn concertos with 1) "practical, pianistic, and playable" piano parts and 2) horn parts as Mozart wrote them - without dynamics or phrasing.
Art of Sound Music's online catalog offers 293 brass quintet compositions, transcriptions, and arrangements. AoSM boasts that you can hear and view the scores before you buy, that you can order the parts as a download or have them shipped, and get free lost part replacements and part transpositions. They also offer "The Gig Ready Brass Quintet Library" Vol. 1 (Gr. 5) is "Classics," a pdf download (only), but a bargain at $30 for 25 pieces (633 pages!), including Gounod's Funeral March of a Marionette, pieces by Pezel, Handel, Scheidt, Monteverdi, and more. Vol II is "Holiday" (Gr. 4), for $35, with 25 arrangements of Christmas carols, selections from Nutcracker Suite and The Messiah, and others. Vol. III is "Weddings" #1: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Water Music, Air on the G String, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Mouret Rondeau, Prince of Denmark's March and more; Vol. IV is "Weddings #2": Ave Maria, Bridal Chorus, Amazing Grace, Ode to Joy, Pachelbel Canon, and more. Vol. V offers more Christmas music and Vol. VI has 25 Patriotic works (great for 4th of July or Memorial Day). All are pdf downloads only, which means you'll have to print them out and bind them; on the other hand - the price for each is great and you could pick and choose (if you got several) and put together your own "book."
Ulrich Köbl
Tremendous source of sheet music for brass. The site is in German and in Germany, but it is not to be missed. No fancy graphics, but the content is there: it has a huge selection of all kinds of music for horn (and other brass – e.g. there are over 84 web pages of brass quintet music listings), including items (also CDs, books, and out of print books) that are very hard to find in the USA. Prices are in Euros and are generally fairly steep given the current rate of exchange – use Köbl mostly for items you can’t find in the USA. The site is much easier to use than, say, the Robert King site. Sign his guest book and tell him I sent you…
Spaeth/Schmid Blechbläsernoten
Expensive, but possibly even bigger than Köbl, claiming that it offers 50,000 musical works, books, & recordings for all brass, brass ensemble, and wind band. Example: it lists at least 150 horn CDs for sale, including many European ones difficult to find in the US. Prices in Euros; 15 Euro charge for overseas deliveries, i.e. you.
The Just Brass series (Chester Publications) contains more than 100 titles from the repertoire of the famed Philip Jones Brass Ensemble. Great stuff!! This link is a list of the titles; you'll have to purchase them elsewhere.
United Music Publishers Ltd - This link is a pdf file of UMP's 2009 Horn Catalogue. Nowhere as extensive, as, say, the King Catalogue, but it has many titles that you just can't find easily or you don't run across in the US. We're also impressed that Hunting Horn has its own category...
BVD Press
The BVD Press is a rich source (i.e. online store) of music for horn and for brass (especially brass quintet!). Categories: Quintet, Quartet, Trio, Large Ensemble, Solo, CD.
The Orchestra Musician’s CD-ROM Library
This site is not exactly an online resource resource per se, but you can access information about (e.g. Table of Contents) this amazing series of orchestral parts available for horn (and most other instruments) in 12 (count ‘em, twelve!) volumes as PDF files (Adobe Acrobat) on CD-ROM, $19.95 each. A great bargain for a huge collection of orchestra parts that you can print out as you need. New: This company is now making the orchestral parts available online at You register and pay for the level of downloads you want, from the "Individual Starter Plan" (5 downloads/month - $10.95 one-time) to the Basic Plan (10/$15.95), Silver (100/$79.95), Gold ($300/$149.95). There are also other plans: Public Library, Educational, Music School, and Demo (5 free downloads).
Brass Haus Music - UK pro hornist Ralph R. Hall has a small publishing company that has a small but highly interesting assortment of sheet music of interest to hornplayers. Look under "Small Ensembles". Prices in Euros. Payment via Paypal recommended.
The Paxman Horn Quartet Gig Book - by the indefatigable Bill Melton. 89 short pieces in individual spiral-bound part books. Not cheap, but great content and you only have to buy them once, and think of all the $ you'll make with this as your one-volume gig book. Music for any occasion. Styles from Renaissance to 20th century. A worth successor (or rather complement to) the "Little Green Books." Bravo, Bill, bravo Paxman, bravo edition ebenos!
Luck’s Music Library
LML is the “world’s largest distributor of orchestral sheet music.” Catalogs are available in Jazz, Solo & Ensemble, Educational, Orchestra, Pops/Holidays, and are downloadable in pdf form. The editions are reprint editions (Luck’s, Kalmus) as well as critical editions (Bärenreiter, Universal, Schott, and others).
Birdalone Music
Offers an excellent selection & editions of both historical and contemporary works hard to find elsewhere. Also offers books, notably an English translation of the entire Dauprat Method for Cor Alto and Cor Basse (Paris, 1824) - 500 p. long! Beautifully done.
Mountain Peak Music - “Helping you achieve peak performance.” Catalog areas for all the brasses; DVD, textbooks, “deals”, free downloads
Hidden Meaning Music - jazz hornist John Clark shares his unique jazz compositions for horn in this web site, including the method book Exercises for Jazz French Horn.
Wiltshire Music Co.
Not a huge selection of horn music, but interesting for items not readily available elsewhere.
John Jay Hilfiger - Composer/arranger/hornist Hilfiger has done an enormous assortment of compositions, transcriptions, and arrangements in various orchestrations for horn (or that include horn). He is also an alumnus of The University of Iowa!
French Horn Puppy (sic) - Categories: Popular Music for French Horn, Classical Music etc., Method Books etc., Books for etc., Accessories, for etc. Lightweight looking a first glance, there is a lot of pop stuff (sometimes pop is just the thing), there's really quite a selection here: much of the Canadian Brass repertoire, lots of methods including many band methods, Many of the books here on not exactly horn books, e.g. titles like Build and Manage Your Music Career, Pocket Dictionary of Foreign Musical Terms, Guide to Film Scoring, Alexander Technique, Copyright Kit, and so on. Interesting stuff, but a broader field than you might guess. No graphics, but easy-to-read text. Considerable content, not all just for horn (accessories, for example, includes not just valve oil, but Chopsaver Lip Balm, Deodorizer for Instrument Cases, Cases, Metronomes, Tuners, Manhasset Stands (orderable in many colors, including Electric Blue and Cosmic Green...), Drum Circle DVD, and much more.
Allegro Music Sales
Has music for all brass and woodwinds + ensembles. Downloadable pdf catalogues. Not bad selection of horn music (all publishers), plus some duets, trios, quartets, etc.
Denis Wick Publishing - for wind band, brass band, brass quintet, solos, tentet, and more. Confusing interface and organization, e.g. solos of all instruments all mixed together in category called "Solos." Yikes. One of the few sources of transcriptions of orchestral masterpieces of the classical era for the 19th c. "Harmonie" wind band instrumentation (2 fl, 2 ob, 3 cl, bcl, 2 bsn, 2 hns, 2 tp, timp, 2 str. bass.)
Amis Musical Circle
Wonderful collection of compositions and arrangements for brass (and more) by Kenneth Amis, tubist with the Empire Brass.
Trevor Wagler
Interesting arrangements and compositions for horn and brass ensembles by a professional Canadian composer and arranger.
Van Cott Information Service - books, music, CDs
J.W. Pepper
Bills itself as the 'world's largest sheet music retailer.' Music in every category, but the interface is kludgy as far as finding horn music is concerned.
Theodore Front Musical Literature - "...easy access to performing and study music editions as well as historical, biographical and theoretical monographs (books)." Pro: a "horn" search turns up 876 pieces. Con: it displays only 10 of them per page. So it's better here to search very specifically for a composer or piece. But T. Front is quite an amazing resources, offering a huge selection of books, sheet music, CDs [8000+], DVD/Videos [1000+], new releases, plus old, out of print books, etc. They also have a "wanted" section - they are looking for certain antiquarian books and sheet music - from you, if you own it and will sell it!
Robert Elkjer is an arranger who offers a variety of (mostly jazz-based) brass quintet arrangements on his web site.
Boulder Brass Publications has quite a selection of arrangements for brass quintet. Check out their "(More or Less) Complete Wedding Book" for BQ with arrangements of 30 of the most requested wedding music, such as Water Music, Bridal Chorus, Pachelbel Canon, Mouret Rondeau, Ode to Joy, Clarke Trumpet Tune, and more.
Richard Burdick is principal horn of the Regina (Canada) Symphony Orchestra, but he is also a composer. I Ching Music is his web sheet music publishing company with a limited number of titles, mostly etudes, duets, and pieces for solo horn that are somewhat unusual in their approach. The site also offers CDs and a link to Burdick's natural horn site.
Corni World - horn ensemble music specialists. Not a huge selections, but interesting, quality stuff. Music for horn ensemble: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12 horns, by John Lynsdale-Nock; also some brass ensemble pieces.
The Subito Store - frustratingly organized - all brass music is together - but lots of interesting stuff that’s hard to find elsewhere, e.g. Seesaw Music publications.
Load.CD - “Publish, sell, buy, and download sheet music, performing rights” Currently 30,870 works available as sheet music downloads online.
Danish National Digital Sheet Music Archive - digital facsimiles of printed and manuscript music.
Encore Music - good selection of sheet music for horn and brass ensemble, plus accessories and reference books.
Puna Music - a small web music publisher with a small selection of music for horn, but the titles are intriguing, e.g. Arias for Horn (transcriptions), Loon Songs for Horn and Iano, Peruvian Sunset for Horn and Guitar; The History of Music for Horn, Books 1, 2 & 3, Rondo a la Haydn for horn and guitar, Horns of a Dilemma (quartet), 5 Reasons to Avoid Yard Work (unaccompanied inventions), Jazz Duets. Reasonable prices.
Music for Brass - no horn specific sheet-music, but some interesting brass quintets. Payment is via Paypal; "shipping" is via pdf downloads.
Figaro Tunes
Features the many arrangements for brass (various ensembles) of arranger William Berry; includes a very large assortment of arrangements of holiday music.
Norwegian Brass Sheet Music
Lots of music not available elsewhere; with listings of CD recordings.
Eric Ewazen - order direct from the composer.
Hornplanet - not a huge selection, but good stuff.
International Opus offers an unusual assortment of woodwind quintets, with categories including African, Arabic, Asian, Australian, Classical, Latin-American, Operatic transcriptions, and more.
Arundel Music - features 1) Music arrangements by Cynthia Carr (oboe, horn piano trio), horn ensemble, 2 horns & piano; 2) Oboe, horn & piano trio resources 3) horn playing and teaching resources 4) Cynthia Carr CD: Music for Horn and Piano by Women composers
Musician's Supply Shop - boasts of being "the largest print music store in Los Angeles," but gives only sketchy info online about current offerings. However, it has some potentially interesting sources for the curious, including fake books and books on various types of ethnic music.
Boulder Early Music Shop
Okay, so this is not a horn music site per se. But it has so much interesting music + books that it should be checked out. With only a modicum of imagination and/or industry, one could transform all this early music for recorder, vocals, chamber music and more into music for horn(s). Very interesting selection of books on many subjects as well.
Wondering where to find that tune requested at your last wedding gig? Check out the Fake Book Index - a list of legal fake books.
Sheet Music Plus
A search for "French horn" turns up 12,671 items that you must go through page by page (10 per page). The items are many and do contain horn, but the listing include a great galloping gallifmaufry of everything under the sun - solos next to symphony scores next to Disney movie favorites next to chamber music and on and on. If you browse "By Instrument", it has 13 pieces (including one for baritone horn). There is a sidebar with "Favorites" in different categories (finally), and if you follow one of those, say, "Instructional", you will be directed to a list of 317 instructional pieces (etudes, method books, [lots of ] band methods, etc.). There are some inappropriate clinkers as well, such as a reprint of "Neu erfundene und Grundliche Anweisung zu vollkommener Erlernung des General-Basses" - oops!). Clumsy interface, but quantity there is. Good luck.
IBEW - The Internet Bandsman's Everything Within - a phenomenal set of brass links on the web site of The Harrogate Band, a British brass band: books, journals, bibilographies, publishers (including sellers of sheet music), services & supplies, music software, sounds & sampling, recordings, recording companies, vintage and secondhand recordings, brass on radio & TV, videos & DVD, recording studios, musical reference, music technique, music education, theory, general music reference. An incredible collection of links, but there are a number of dead links, making you wonder if they collapsed from exhaustion after setting it all up and haven't been back...
Free Sheet Music...
IMSLP stands for the International Music Score Library Project. The idea is to be an online repository for musical score that are in the public domain (note: the site is in Canada, and every country has different laws on what constitutes public domain) and may be freely downloaded by anyone, currently about 67,000 scores. For a list of the free public domain compositions featuring the horn available (including Mozart, Kopprasch, Dauprat, Beethoven, Schubert; many categories, including horn and piano, horn concertos, etudes, horn alone, duets, trios, quartets, 5 and more, chamber music with and without piano), click here.
WIMA - Werner Icking Music Archive of free downloadable sheet music. Google search function. Searchable by composer. Sheet Music Archive - enormous list (with links) by WIMA (Werner Icking Music Archive) of sites offering free (pdf) music files. Example: Mozart Horn Quintet, with parts for horn, violin, viola 1, viola 2, cello
Variations Project (Indiana University) - Online scores of opera, songs/Lieder, Orchestral & Choral literature, Chamber Music, Piano, and solo instrumental literature. Scores only (no parts).
Links to free sheet music available online for downloading for horn and other instruments. For instance, Kopprasch etudes here (pdf files).
ScorSer - “Search System for Musicians” - Supplies links to free sheet music, lyrics, BackTracks (sic), Audio. Many of the links lead back to IMSLP.
NY Philharmonic Digital Archives - the Phil is digitizing 170 years of scores and parts and making them available free online.
PD Info - list of public domain musical works (= any song or musical work published in 1923 or earlier). Also has a useful list of reference books on public domain sheet music and copyright law. - a sheet music search engine that scans multiple sites. There is a category for Free Scores.
The Mutopia Project - Free sheet music for everyone. Do a search for 'horn' and a plethora of interesting free downloadable files appear (in both A4 and US letter sizes) as zipped postscript files that are converted to pdf files automatically upon downloading. Examples: Bach B minor mass, Beethoven Sonata op. 17, Brahms Trio, Chabrier Larghetto, Dukas Villanelle, Glazunov Rêverie, Kopprasch 60 Studies, Mozart horn concertos, Mozart horn quintet K. 407, Nielsen Canto Serioso, Schubert Auf dem Strom, F. Strauss Nocturno, and more.
Bibliotheek Conservatorium Brugge - long list with links to libraries with free public domain music
60 Etudes for Low Horn, Op. 6 by G. Kopprasch - Free sheet music pdf files of the famous etude collection from IMSLP.
Mozart Scores
Downloadable PDF files of scores of the four Mozart Horn Concertos (plus scores of all his symphonies, overtures, concertos for strings and winds, plus serenades and divertimentos. Part of a larger Free Sheet Music site that also has similar collections for Beethoven, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky.
Digital Online Mozart Editions
It's all here - all of Mozart - free to download! "The purpose of this web site operated by the Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum in cooperation with the Packard Humanities Institute is to make Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's musical compositions widely and conveniently accessible to the public, for personal study and for educational and classroom use. Wholesale downloading or reuse of the contents of this website is prohibited under all circumstances, whether commercial or otherwise. The digitized version offers the musical text and the critical commentaries of the entire Neue Mozart-Ausgabe (NMA), edited by the Internationale Stiftung Mozart in cooperation with the Mozart cities of Augsburg, Salzburg, and Vienna. The printed edition has been published by Bärenreiter-Verlag ( and Some restrictions apply to the reproduction of images of source materials, particularly in the supplement to the edition."
Categories: Sacred Vocal Music, Theatre Music, Songs, Vocal Ensembles & Canons, Orchestral Works, Concertos, Church Sonatas, Orchestral Serenades, Divertimentos & Marches, Chamber Music, Piano Music, Supplement.
An ABC News article on this online Mozart catalog is available here.
Edwin A. Fleisher Collection of Orchestral Music - “world’s largest lending library of orchestral performance material, with over 21,000 titles.” Lending service available to music organization by written request.
Musica Viva
Musica Viva is “the internet center for free sheet music downloads and more.” There are lots of arrangements and folk songs, many for “F-instrument and ________” (the blank might be keyboard, guitar, percussion, accordion, harp, banjo, you name it). The music is available in several formats, including PDF, GIF, and MIDI. This site also has a directory that lists other sites offering free sheet music and an encyclopedia of music.
"is an online library of copyright-free music (public domain music)." Few titles for horn, but it’s good stuff: Schumann Adagio & Allegro, Schumann Konzertstück, Brahms Trio, Weber Concertino.
Free Sheet Music - a long list of links, part of Dolmetsch Online.
Free Brass Music - pdf downloads, courtesy of Jay Lichtmann
ChoralWiki - public domain choral music. Great source of material to arrange for horn ensemble (a tip of the hat to James Boldin for this link).
Sometimes it’s fun and refreshing to play music that was not written for horn (after all, we do play a lot of transcriptions...). There is a wealth of fiddle tune music that is both challenging and fun and will really hone your arpeggios in sharp keys. O’Neill’s Music of Ireland is one such source, available here in various formats. There are 8 sections of tune types; probably the ones to try first would be the reels and the hornpipes. Since it’s fiddle music, it often goes quite high. No matter: it’s a chance to work on transposition as well.
Music Manuscript Paper - free! This web site allows you to quickly and easily print blank manuscript paper of many formats; customizable. Includes links to free sheet music downloads.
Free Blank Sheet Music [manscript paper] - lots of downloadable pdf templates, e.g. 8 stave, 8 stave with treble clef, 10-12-20 stave, piano or instrumental duo 12 stave, more. Available in both A4 and US Letter paper sizes. See also Blank Manuscript Paper in Reference - Music
Sources for Sheet Music - A useful listing of sheet music seller links from Tom Bacon's Horn Page.
The Six Bach Cello Suites - facsimile copies of Bach's Cello Suites, made by Anna Magdalena. Just thought you'd appreciate a look.
Dalley Horn Catalog (2006) - Searchable catalog of 28,500 titles for horn on CD-ROM (not a vendor, just a list of horn literature).
Read the Wikipedia's interesting article on sheet music...
For the fun of it, see also the Historic American Sheet Music collection of Duke University, or the Library of Congress's Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music 1820-1885
Pizka Edition
Includes the former KaWe Editions.