Information for Prospective Students
New: Web Site for the University of Iowa Brass Area
Home page of the UI School of Music for prospective and current students, as well as nonmajors. Information for grad and undergrad students on auditions, program/degree information, checklists, admissions, diagnostic exams, financial aid and scholarships, music minor, recital scheduling, recording studio, School of Music Wiki, Honors program, and more.
Web page on Music Study from the 2012-13 General Catalog of The University of Iowa - information on Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, financial support, facilities, resources, music courses, list of faculty
If you're interested in looking into studying horn at the University of Iowa, you'll find a lot of information in this section. Click on any of the links below or in the sidebar. If there's anything not covered here or you still have questions of any kind, don't hesitate to contact Prof. Agrell.
Horn Study at The University of Iowa
Audition Information
Professor Jeffrey Agrell
UI Admissions information (undergrad)
Undergraduate School of Music Admissions information
Undergraduate FAQs
Financial Aid
Click on the following links for detailed information,
including online application forms:
Music Minor
Music for Nonmajors
Information on Financial Aid
for graduates & undergraduate horn majors (B.M. & B.A. degrees)

Degree Information
Undergraduate Students
The University of Iowa School of Music offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees.
Web page on Music Study from the 2011-12 General Catalog of The University of Iowa
The B.M. is a professional degree and prepares the student for employment (teaching, performance, music therapy, etc.) or to go on to graduate study in music. All B.M. music students are part of an instrumental studio, regardless of specialization (theory/composition, jazz studies, music therapy, or performance).
The B.A. degree: If you want to continue playing horn and making music, but don't intend to make a career of it and wish to major in something else, the B.A. is for you. You'll gain enough skill and knowledge to keep music as an important part of the rest of your life, while the reduced requirements of the B.A. allow you more time to acquire a major in another area. Your horn playing might pay for your education: B.A. horn students are eligible for music scholarships and study with the horn professor. The B.A. in music is a nonprofessional degree that enables those who are majoring in other subjects to take music courses, lessons, play in ensembles and have reduced music course requirements.
B.A. program concentrations are composition, music history, and performance.
Music Minor - you can minor in music for one step down from the B.A.; you are, however, thus a nonmajor and not eligible for a music scholarship; lessons are with the Horn TA.
Nonmajor horn players are eligible to take nonmajor horn lessons and - pending auditions - to take part in band, orchestra, chamber music, and horn choir. Nonmajor horn players take lessons with the horn studio teaching assistant. Music for Nonmajors - recommended courses.
Music Education
Teacher certification may be earned in music education. All music education students are enrolled in the B.M. program and are part of an instrumental studio.
Music Education links:
Music Education Program at UI
BM with Teacher Certification
Teacher Education Program
Financial Assistance
Undergrad Music Ed Courses for Teacher Certification
BM Requirements
Music Therapy
The UI School of Music has the top Music Therapy program in the country. Professional certification is available through the music therapy program. All music therapy students are enrolled in the B.M. program and are part of an instrumental studio. The University offers music therapy students the facilities of the UI Hospitals and Clinics, which comprise one of the largest university-based teaching hospitals in the nation.
Graduate Students
Degrees offered are the Master of Arts in horn performance (M.A.)
and the Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.).
Web page on Music Study from the 2011-12 General Catalog of The University of Iowa
For information on the Graduate College requirements and deadlines, click here.
For School of Music information on program/degrees, admissions,
and the UI online admissions requirements and application, click here.