Horn Organizations

International Horn SocietyThe world's premier organization for horn players. Extensive information and resources: membership, scholarships & awards, online articles, links, famous horn players, index of Horn Call articles, horns for sale, workshops & festivals. Become a member! Join today and connect with your colleagues everywhere! $20/yr. for high school, $25 for college, $35 for all others. The IHS 45th annual workshop for 2013 will be at the University of Memphis, in Memphis, TN
Yahoo Hornlist
You are not alone. A horn list is a great way to have direct online contact with a lot of fans of the horn around the world. The Yahoo Hornlist has well over a thousand members (founded April 8, 1999). You may post messages, chat, and have access to Files, Photos, Database, and Links. If there’s anything you want information or an opinion on, this is a good place to go looking. You can also elect to receive daily e-mail summaries of the previous day’s posts. If you have a question about almost anything having to do with the horn, you can find an answer here.
The Horn List (Memphis)
Dan Phillips, webmaster of the IHS site is the administrator of this list. From this list: “The purpose of the Horn Discussion Group is to provide a forum for electronic conversation about all things relating to the horn's playing technique, repertoire, ensembles, personalities, and so on. Sending a message to the list causes it to be distributed automatically to a subscribing membership of about 900 people worldwide. So questions get lots of answers, and issues get lots of responses. Like hornists themselves, the list is usually full of friendly banter and helpfulness with the occasional curmudgeon. All are welcome.”
Orchestra List
Also on Yahoo. "International forum for conductors, composers, players, and their colleagues in the orchestra business." You can subscribe to a daily list. Good set of links: New Music Catalog, Repertoire by Theme list, Headlines (art music news), Orchestra Links (many kinds: lists of orchestras and opera companies, music schools & research, composition, conducting, performance venues, festivals & workshops, organizations, publishers, record companies, marketplace and more).
Polyphonic.org - Orchestra Musician Forum: articles, interviews, orchestras, news & blogs, research bibliograpy, links, and more.

The British Horn Society
"Dedicated to the art, craft and fun of French horn playing. The Society, which is run by horn players, publishes a special magazine, The Horn Player, organises festivals and other special horn playing and study events featuring the best international soloists, and arranges concessions for members from leading orchestras and retailers."
Horn New England - the latest from the northeast. News-Event-Map-Resources-Articles-Cornucopia-Positions-Workshop
The Atlanta Brass Society
Offers music lending library for members, Atlanta Brass Society Journal, masterclasses, composition commissions, competitions, and much more.

Brass Forum.co.uk
Forums, database, articles, blogs, resources, links.
The International Women's Brass Conference "exists to provide opportunities that will educate, develop, support and inspire all women brass musicians who desire to pursue professional careers in music.
Facebook Horn Group - if you're a member of the internet social network Facebook, you can become a member of the Horn Group (currently ca. 2,500 members). There is also a Facebook group for Orchestral Musicians.
Behind the Horn - is a new message board site for horn players founded by Tony Licata and Stuart De Haro. Topics: Main chat, Off Topic, Performance Pics, Ask the Horn Maker, eBay and Trade.
The Chamber Music Network - 5,400 members worldwide - connect with other chamber music players
Brass Link
Dutch site. News, Recordings, Instruments, Links, Publishers, For Sale.
Historic Brass Society - "The Historic Brass Society is an international music organization of amateur and professional brass musicians and scholars concerned with the entire range of early brass music, from Antiquity to the present."
International Woman's Brass Conference
American Hunting Horn Society
"The AHHS is an organization of enthusiasts drawn together with a mutual interest in the hunting horn. The AHHS is dedicated to the performance, teaching, composition, research, preservation, and promotion of the tradition of the hunting horn.

Wiener Waldhornverein - the WWV is the world's oldest horn club, the pride of Vienna since 1879, when Josef Schantl composed some hunting horn music for the silver wedding anniversary of Emperor Franz Joseph I and his wife Elisabeth. Johannes Brahms was one of the original member; in the photo, a very bearded Brahms is in the 2nd row, 4th from the left. The web site is in German, but don't let that stop you. there are many wonderful and beautiful photos as well. It leaves you with severe Vienna horn envy...
Jagdhornverein Windhag (parforce horns)
Fractured Atlas: Liberate the Artist - “non-profit organization that serves a national community of artists and arts organizations. Our programs and services facilitate the creation of art by offering vital support to the artists who produce it... by providing access to funding, healthcare, education, and more... Fractured Atlas can help you run your business more efficiently, with more, better resources at your fingertips. That means you've got more time, energy, and money to dedicate to making art. ... We can also help institutional funders, policymakers, and others refine their 30,000 foot view of the field. New technology development, cultural asset mapping, research and data analysis, and advisory services inform your work and help you make smarter, more strategic decisions.”
ICSOM - International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians. Check out their links to ICSOM Member Orchestras,
ISPA - International Society for the Performing Arts
American Symphony Orchestra League
League of American Orchestras
ACMP - the Chamber Music Network, a non-profit organization that facilitates informal music-making by people of all ages and levels. Links, bulletin board, workshops, publications and downloads, sheet music, recordings, classical music sites, reference sites, instrumnets, magazines, organizations, member links, miscellaneous.
American Federation of Musicians - American musician's union
US Regional Arts Organizations
National Federation of Music Clubs - membership of 155,000 (Iowa has 4,874); goal: to promote musicians and composers; many scholarships, competitions, & awards. "Each year local, state, and national NFMC-sponsored competitions showcase over 100,000 musicians and composers. Professional and amateur musicians alike benefit from the exposure they get through participation in local music clubs."
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
International Music Organizations - The College Music Society maintains a database of over 360 international music organizations.
Americans for the Arts
Phi Mu Alpha - music fraternity
Musical Instrument Makers Forum
Performing Arts Alliance - coalition of performing arts advocates
Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) Good set of links to sites on performer's health issues.
National Horn Clubs and Societies:
Opera North Horn Club - founded by Bob Ashworth, principal horn of the Orchestra of Opera North in Leeds, England
Thai Horn - "online resource for horn players in Thailand"
The Italian Horn Web Site - In Italian and English. Lots of content: articles, events, horn pictures, natural horns, humor, more.
Dutch Horn Society - Mostly in Dutch; good set of links.
Norwegian Horn Society - Not much here for non-Norskes but worth a look for the home page photo alone.
Swedish Horn Society - Good set of links, especially relating to music and musical study in Sweden. In English as well as Swedish.
Finnish Horn Club - in English and Finnish.
Danish Horn Club - in Danish and English
Association Française du Cor - Il faut parler français ici, mais c'est assez interessant; il y a une “Historique du cor ascendant" et des informations des Concours, par exemple.
Belgian Horn Society - Mostly in Flemish (similar to Dutch), but if you know English and a bit of German, there is a lot of content here you can understand.
Polish Horn Society - In Polish.
Scottish Vienna Horns “are a large Vienna horn ensemble, and were founded in 1993. Players come from many locations and backgrounds, brought together by the common goal of playing the Vienna horn. This is a very unusual configuration of instruments, there being just ourselves, and the Tokyo Vienna Horn Club outside of Austria (if another Vienna horn group does exist outside Austria, then we would be pleased to make contact). Within Austria there are a number of Vienna horn ensembles, including the Wiener-Waldhorn-Verein founded in 1883." Includes a cutaway model of a set of Vienna valves, a Vienna Horn Gallery, a Vienna horn buyers guide, and links to related websites.