Music Business Resources
See also: Employment

The Savvy Musician - is both a web site and a book by Dr. David Cutler about how a musician can build a career and make a living, including discussions of topics such as entrepreneurship, product development, marketing, networking, new recording techniques, personal finance, branding, funding, freelancing, promotion, and more; in otherwise, everything you didn't learn in music school. Free email newsletter. Read the article about him here entitled “Music entrepreneurship helps young musicians chart careers in a crowded market.”
Marketing with YouTube Videos Part I - article by Bruce Hemd
Arts Enterprise - “dedicated to building a network of AE chapters that will educate, promote, and support emerging leaders who will blend entrepreneurial thought and artistic creativity to inspire social growth and sustainable ventures. Our national organization, Arts Enterprise Central, coordinates and connects the arts and business worlds through high-impact student-run chapters...”
Arts Entrepreneurship Educator’s Network
The Artful Manager - Andrew Taylor on the business of arts & culture
"Sing a New Tune" - article on about the "new" concept of musicians as entrepreneurs. "In addition to performing, most musicians dabble in teaching, administration and business. Instead of leaving their graduates to cobble these skills together into a functional career, some music schools are now embedding entrepreneurship in their traditional curriculums in an effort to make their students more business savvy."
Music Business Solutions - includes articles, newsletter, lists of books and resources, resource directory, consultation services. Aimed primarily at pop music, but there is still information on the music business here that could benefit a classical player.
Promoting Your Teaching Studio - book by Philip Johnston (2003) - Discusses schedules, space, fee, voicemail, advertising & promotion, working with local schools and music stores, parents, concerts, competitions, and more.
Wondering where to find that tune requested at your last wedding gig? Check out the Fake Book Index - a list of legal fake books.
This Business of Music: The Definitive Guide to the Music Industry, 9th ed. by M. William Krasilovsky, Sidney Shemet, and John M. Gross
QUADRE's TuesdayAt2 - some interesting discussions of operating and marketing a chamber music group.
"Musicians add second careers to their repertoires," article in the L.A. Times.
Musical America - news of artists, managers, contests, and the music industry
Foundation for Entrepreneuralism in the Arts
Entrepreneurship Center for Music
Brevard Conference on Music Entrepreneurship (BCOME) - “explores exciting career tracks beyond the traditional job pathways.”
Seth Grodin's Blog - important marketing voice
Everything I Know About Business I Learned in the Conservatory - article by Brian Pertl. See also:
Does Conservatory Really Prepare for Business Success? - more thoughts on Brian Pertl’s article by DAvid Cutler. See also:
From the Band Room to the Boardroom - The 9 Common Lessons of Music Education That Translate into Success - excerpt by Craig Cortello from his book (below)
Everything We Needed to Know About Business We Learned Playing Music - book by Craig Cortello
Kickstarter - Creative way to fund your creative project
Musician’s - “the website for working musicians”
This Business of Music, 10th ed. by W. Krasilovsky, S. Shemel, J. Gross, and J. Feinstein
Kara Goes Viral - an article by Greg Sandow on how a bassoon quartet that solved the problem of viral marketing (this is a good thing...) for an unknown, unusual chamber group by using Lady Gaga, Facebook, MTV, etc.
Fractured Atlas: Liberate the Artist - “non-profit organization that serves a national community of artists and arts organizations. Our programs and services facilitate the creation of art by offering vital support to the artists who produce it... by providing access to funding, healthcare, education, and more... Fractured Atlas can help you run your business more efficiently, with more, better resources at your fingertips. That means you've got more time, energy, and money to dedicate to making art. ... We can also help institutional funders, policymakers, and others refine their 30,000 foot view of the field. New technology development, cultural asset mapping, research and data analysis, and advisory services inform your work and help you make smarter, more strategic decisions.”
VistaPrint - free business cards (also free websites, rubber stamps, pens, logo design, checks, car door magnets, email marketing, 800 number). Design your own business card (basic - free; bells & whistles - moderate fee) online. Inexpensive printing.