
"Sensations" for Oboe and Piano, 2021 [5 movements] Published by Trevco Music.
"Rhythm Suite" - Bb clarinet and marimba. First Prize winner in the 2000 compositions contest of the International Clarinet Association. Published by Trevco Music.
"Blues for D.D." - solo oboe. Also arranged for oboe & piano; clarinet & piano; 2 oboes, English horn & 2 bassoons; 2 oboes, English horn & bassoon; oboe & English horn; oboe & bass, oboe & bass oboe, oboe & bassoon. Published by Trevco Music.
Performed at the 2001 Symposium of the International Double Reed Society by Andrea Gullickson (Butler University); performed by Wizards at Octoboe Fest October, 2003, and on their 2004 Australian tour; performed worldwide on stage, TV, radio, and CD by Diana Doherty (winner of many international competitions, principal oboe, Sydney Symphony), Janey Miller (New Noise London), and other soloists. Recorded on CD for clarinet by Bernhard Röthlisberger on Who Nose. The work (and recording by Diana Doherty) is cited in The Oboe, by Geoffrey Burgess and Bruce Haynes, Yale University Press, 2004. Required piece for Spring 2007 for the oboe class of the Royal Academy of Music, London, England. Required piece for the 2019 Fernand Gillet-Hugo International Competition of the International Double Reed Society.
Below is a performance by Yeon-Hee Kwak
"Aviary Divertimento" - clarinet & piano. Commissioned by Bernhard Röthlisberger. Published by Trevco Music. Audio clips of movements available here. Movements: Hummingbird Tocatta (Eb clar.), March of the Penguins, Toucan Calypso, Raven’s Blues, Canary Cadenza, Elegy for the Dodo, Blackbird Boogie
Woodwind Ensemble
"Circus Etudes" - woodwind quintet. Dedicated to the Wildwind Quintet. Published by Trevco Music. Movements: Dancing Elephants, Clowns, Trapeze Artists, Acrobats
"Carib Dance" - woodwind quintet. Dedicated to the Wildwind Quintet. Published by Trevco Music.
"After Dark Suite" - mixed clarinet quartet. Commissioned by the Swiss Clarinet Players. Published by Trevco Music.
"First Suite" - bassoon ensemble (eight bassons + contrabasson + ad lib. percussion). Commissioned by Markus Boppart. Published by Trevco Music.
"March, Moon Song and Mambo" - mixed clarinet quartet; also arranged for woodwind quartet. Published by Trevco Music.
"Rondo" - oboe trio. Dedicated to the oboe section of the Lucerne Symphony. Other versions available for flute trio, clarinet trio, sax trio, and mixed woodwind (flute, oboe, clarinet) trio. Published by Trevco Music.