Horns for Sale

See also Equipment Talk
Instrument Dealers - list maintained on the IHS web site
"So You Want to Buy a Horn?" - article (pdf) by Eldon Matlick on how to go about it. See also Buying a Horn on the Internet, Suggestions on Buying a Pre-Owned Instrument: How to Protect the Seller and Buyer
Suggested Horns, Mouthpieces, and Mutes - short article on equipment by John Ericson
How to buy a French horn - eHow video by Richard Deane
French Horn Classifieds - hornplayer.net/IHS has a section of used horns for sale. A good place to go if you have a horn to sell as well.
Shopping for an 8D - Phil Myers answers to this question on the IHS Forum
John Myatt - Woodwind & Brass - secondhand instruments for sale in the UK. Also has a Sheet Music Shop.
Shopping for a Horn - Bob Ward, ditto
Brass Review - Not a retailer, but a (new) site where players can add their own reviews of instruments.
Marketplace - Free classified ads for horns, accessories, and components on the IHS web site.
For custom made artisan horns (e.g. Lewis, Hatch, Berg, Rauch, Hill, Berg, Lawson, Sorley, Medlin, DeHaro, et al.), see the listings/links under Valve Horns.
Osmun - offers horns by Alexander, Finke, Hoyer, Schimd, plus used horns, natural horns by Finke and Schmid and Wagner Tubas by Alexander, Finke, Hoyer, and Schmid. They also sell all manner of accessories (mouthpieces, mutes, cases, handguards, and more), CDs, sheet music, stands, stand lights, and 'music stand accessories' (clips, stand extenders).
Woodwind/Brasswind - sells Conn, Holton, Hoyer, Allora, Willson, Atkinson, Jupiter, Bach, and Yamaha horns.
Halstead Music (UK) - used horns in many categories
Wichita Band Instruments - specialists in Alexander and Paxman horns, they offer both new and used brass and woodwinds (not to mention strings, guitars, recorders, and Baroque instruments).
Siegfried's Call - offers single, double, triple, descant horns, plus Wagner tubas, natural horns and parforce horns. Makers: Dürk, Otto, Lewis & Dürk, Cornford, Worischek
Horn Guys - Hoyer, E. Schmid, Alexander, Atkinson, Yamaha. Good descriptions and photos of the horns. Categories: Single horns, double horns, triple horns, descant horns, natural horns, Wagner Tuben.
Pro Winds - Conn, Holton, Yamaha, Jupiter. Attractive site.
Dillon Music - new and used; New: Alexander, Amati, Bach, Cerveny, Conn, Finke, Hoyer, Holton, Jupiter, Yamaha; used: (depends on what's in at the moment): Atkinson, Getson, Kruspe, Olds, Rampone, Selman
Musicians Friend - Holton, Conn, Yamaha, Jupiter, Bach, Olds, Hoyer, Nirschl
Ken Pope - seller of Ricco Kühn horns, plus used horns (consignment: Alexander, Amati, Conn, Dürk, Finke, Ganter, Geyer, Holton, Hoyer, King, Kruspe, Kühn, LaFleur, Lawson, McCracken, Monnig, Monke, Olds, Paxman, Pope-Phelan, Reynolds, Schmid, Schmidt, Yamaha); + bell flares.
BrassArts - seller of Ricco Kühn horns, plus used horns (Kühn, Atkinson, Yamaha, Conn, Paxman, Lawson, Schmid, Geyer, Hoyer), leadpipes, mouthpieces.
USA Band -sells Amati, Bach, Conn, Holton, Jupiter, Olds, Reynolds, and Yamaha horns - and gives a discount "with trade."
Homeless Horns - used horn department of Houghton Custom Horns: Yamaha, Alexamder, Schmidt, Knopf, Conn, Holton, Hoyer, Moennig
Baltimore Brass Co. - offers new and used horn brands, including Conn, Schmid, Hoyer, Holton, King, JZ, and.... an Alphorn (!) by the Swiss maker Stocker!
Sam Ash - Horns by Yamaha, Holton, Jean Baptiste, Conn, King, Jupiter. The Baptiste student horns have unbeatable prices...
HornsAplenty.com - offers quality used horns.
Halstead Music - the famed Tony Halstead's site, offering (mostly) previously owned horns (and other brass). Every horn sold is "personally tested by Tony Halstead"!
Net Instruments - "Global database of musical instruments for sale." "75,000+ registered musicians" Last look: 21 horns for sale. Lots of ads around the content.
eBay - many listings of new and used horns, but caveat emptor!
MusicMasters - new and used horns and a lot of other stuff from this Tallahassee music store.
Amazon.com - Is there anything Amazon doesn't sell? A mix of accessories, sheet music, cases, and horns (well-known, unknown, etc.)