Music Education
MusicEd Blogs - A collection of many music education blogs, covering general music education, band, choir, strings, methodologies, and more. K-12 oriented.
(For more amazing singing by this group, do a search for “PS 22” on YouTube)
Jack Stamp on Why Music Matters - audio recording on YouTube. Check out the band rendition of Shenandoah, first 100%, then at “95% correct.” Quote: “Don’t let someone who doesn’t know about music take music out of our schools.”
Why Our Schools Need the Arts - book by Jessica Hoffmannn Davis - “a must read!”
Smithsonian Global Sound - Global 'radio', tools for teaching, workshops, music ed links.
History of Music Education
Classical Music - includes some free content on rhythm, theory, ear training, etc. Some useful links to blogs, sheet music, etc.
Professional Learning Network for Music Educators
Teaching Music in the 21st Century - musings on teaching, music & technology
Berklee College Online Music study - traditional music study has some of the answers, but if you want to get the rest of the story (and be musically ready for the 21st century and not just the 19th), consider taking a course from the No. 1 jazz, pop, etc. school in America: Berklee College - you can take their courses in music production, songwriting, arranging, voice, music business, guitar, bass, keyboard, and theory/harmony/ear training online. 130+ online courses.
Music Education News Online - new site. Submenus: NoteWorthy Sites; Instrumental/Vocal Ensembles; Music Education; Music Ed Research; Music Ed Technology; National/World Music Organizations; Instrumental/Vocal Pedagogy; Commercial & Gear; Music Podcasts; MusicEdNews Blog
Westney, William, The Perfect Wrong Note: Learning to Trust Your Musical Self

The Music Teaching Artist’s Bible: Becoming a Virtuoso Educator - by Eric Booth. 304 p., Oxford University Press, 2009. Reviewers at give it 5 stars (of 5).
Stars & Catz - Music Teacher Network - Free teacher matching service (match student with teacher). Localized sections for the US, Australia, UK, and Canada.
Get the Ed Degree - Article by Rose French
Classical Music Education
ArtsEdge - free, standards-based arts teaching materials. - Very slick, well-organized high-end (both quality and quantity) educational web site aimed at helping you "explore music", learn about "How Music Works", "About Musicians," "Instruments and Voices," "Music in Context," "Composing and Remixing," "Create Music Yourself," with "Help and Resources." Many articles, features, photos, short audio and video examples under each of the these categories on every aspect of how music is conceived, organized, composed, performed, recorded. 40 professional British musicians talk about their instruments; check out the feature on the horn; Stephen Bell does a number of short video clip demonstrations (his horn is some kind of triple - does anyone know what kind?). Includes a Garageband-like "interactive music tool" to construct your own music online quickly (track-based; drop-and-drag samples). Resources for music students and teachers. Highly recommended.
Horn Teachers Database - maintained by - currently listings for 1103 teachers.
"Gee, All I Ever Wanted to Do Was Play My Instrument..." - article on all the skills and knowledge a contemporary music student would do well to get training in (beyond playing the instrument).
“I Want to Major in Music - A Guide for Young Horn Students and Their Teachers” - article by Cynthia Carr
Resources for Music Education - 1 page of excellent links. Comes in categories: Resources for: Band directors, vocal teachers, orchestra teachers, classroom teachers.
Music Resources for Educators - quality links in a number of categories: Music History and Time Periods, Famous Musicians, Musical Associations, Resources for Band Teachers, Resources for Vocal/Choir Teachers, Resources for Classroom Music Teachers, Sheet Music, Music in the Public Domain.
Music Education Swicki - A swicki is a cross between a search engines and Wikipedia - the community can add, delete and improve the results.
Middle School Band Director - created by UI alumnus Russ Weaver. Lots of links, resources, downloadable info, and more.
Music Teacher Cafe - “a gathering place for music educators”.
Band Director - Menu items: Marching, Product Guide, Archives, Travel & Festivals, Forums, Fundraising, CDs
Brevard Conference on Music Entrepreneurship
Mr Holland's Opus Foundation - donates new and refurbished instruments to deserving schools and music programs.
Music Education - Wikipedia article on the subject.
Worldwide Internet Music Resources: Music Education - Good collection of music education links offered by the Cook Music Library of Indiana University.
The Educator's Reference Desk - Not for music education specifically, but an excellent source of links and information on education for teachers.
MUSIC-ED - A forum on music education.
Music Matters - “Creative, practical, and up-to-date resources for the independent music teacher” - blog by Natalie Wickham
Faculty recruitment - web site of a faculty recruitment firm
Music In Schools Today (Must Create)
Music Teachers Chatboard at
Music Educator’s Marketplace - commercial site selling music ed related items: CDs, DVDs, books, games, storybooks, gifts; also: music history, theory, software & teaching aids.
NASM - National Association of Schools of Music
MENC - National Association for Music Education. Good set of music education links.
MENC Career Guide for Music Education
ASBDA - American School Band Directors Association
IAMEA - Iowa Music Educators Association
ISME - International Society for Music Education
AMC - American Music Conference: Music education advocacy
ABRSM - Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Most interesting is the Horn Syllabus - list of exam pieces and other requirements.
Texas Music Project - model music education advocacy organization
Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education
Ensemble - "collects, stores, and re-distributes information relating to subjects in all areas of music as taught in our schools, and sung or played in our churches, synagogs, and communities. It is jazz band, jazz choir, jazz orchestra. It is the classics in all areas. It is pop and show choir, band, or orchestra." Good set of links.
The Instrumentalist Magazine
NACWPI - National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors
College Music Society - CMS. Maintains a college music jobs newsletter, the MVL (Music Vacancy List)
MTNA - Music Teachers National Association
Link Magazine - Online British music education publication
International Association for Jazz Education
Midwest Clinic - International Band and Orchestra Conference in Chicago
AOSA - American Orff-Schulwerk Association
Music Schools - worldwide directory of music schools, plus lots of other information on music ed, learning music, careers in music, music industry, music resources. Strangely enough, under Wind Instruments you can find the Shawm, bagpipes, and the dulcian, but nothing on the horn...
US Schools of Music - similar list of links to US music schools provided by See here for international links.
Online Doctorate Degree - “the only nonprofit web site dedicated exclusively to providing students considering obtaining a doctorate degree with unbiased online resources...” Also: database of accredited schools that offer doctorate degree; listed alphabetically by state.
University Music Departments Worldwide - Vast collection of links to the web sites of "all music departments in higher education" worldwide.