
"Mike Simpson: A Life in Jazz," Horn Call, October 2016, XLVII:1, p. 38-39.

“James Naigus: Composing for Horn in the New Millennium,” Horn Call, February  2016, XLVI:2, p. 38-39

“Adam Wolf: Rock Horn Project,” Horn Call, May 2016, XLVI:3, p. 34-35

“Mike Simpson: A Life in Jazz,” Horn Call, October 2016, XLVII:1, p. 38-39

"Foulk Music: Reinventing Horn Teaching and Performance with Creative Music," Horn Call, October 2015, XLVI:1, p. 42-44

"Prodigious Producer: William Melton," Horn Call, ​May 2015, XLV:3, p. 34-36

"Millenium Musician: A Jack(ie) of All Trades – Interview with Jacquelyn Adams," Horn Call, February 2015, XLV:2, p. 

“Ricardo Matosinhos, Millennium Musician,” Horn Call, October 2014, XLV:1, p. 40-42

“Paul Basler: Close-Up of a Creative Hornist,” Horn Call, May 2014, XLIV:3, p. 36-38

“Kazimierz Machala,” Horn Call, October 2013, XLIV:1, p. 45-47

“Daniel Wood: Entrepreneurial Musician,” Horn Call, February 2012, XLII:2, p. 49-51

“21st Century Renaissance Man: Eric McIntyre,” Horn Call, October 2011, XLII:1, p. 55-56

“Off the Beaten Path II,” Horn Call, February 2011, XLI:2, p. 54-57. [Lydia Busler-Blais, Josh Johnson, Wayne Lu]

“Off the Beaten Path I,” Horn Call, October 2010, XLI:1, p. 54-57 [Erin Vang, Dani Reynolds, Pam Marshall]

“A Tribute to Curtiss Blake,” [with Kevin Lindsay], Horn Call, February 2005, XXX:2, p. 39-40

“The Future of the Past: An Interview with Richard Seraphinoff,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 120, 2002, p. 112-118

“Profile: Arkady Shilkloper, Russian Jazz Hornist,” 
Horn Call, April 1992, XXII:2, pp. 31-33

“West Meets East,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 73, 1991.

“Interview with Richard Todd,”
 Brass Bulletin, No. 68, 1989.

“Profile: Douglas Hill,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 65, 1989.

“Interview with Dale Clevenger,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 54, 1986.

“John Clark,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 52, 1985.

“Peter Gordon,”
 Brass Bulletin, No. 50, 1985, p. 31-34.

“Steve Lewis: Old World Craftsmanship plus New World Technology,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 49, 1985, p.36-39.

“Tom Varner,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 47, 1984, p. 31, 33.

“Interview with Thomas Müller,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 47, 1984.

“Portrait and Conversation with Meir Rimon,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 46, 1984, p. 36-41.

“Jazz and the Horn: Thomas Bacon,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 45, 1984.

“Julius Watkins,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 41, 1983.

“Interview with Hans Pizka,” 
Brass Bulletin, No. 36, 1981.