Stefan Dohr in conversation with Sarah Willis (Berlin Philharmonic)
Interview with Arkady Shilkloper by Sarah Willis at her Horn Hangout
Interview with Christopher Leuba - interview conducted by Howard Sanner Sept. 7, 2011. You can listen to the whole interview streamed in one chunk (1 hr 20 min) or in short (1-2 min.) segments.
Charles Kavalovski - 1997 interview about the path from nuclear physics to the Boston Symphony
Interview with Jamie Sommerville, principal horn of the Boston Symphony Orchestra

Melbourne University 31 min. podcast interview of Barry Tuckwell: "A Life with French Horn." pdf transcript of the interview also available.
NPR interview with retiring horn maker Walter Lawson
TV Interview with Jeff Nelsen of the Canadian Brass
Interview with Radovan Vlatkovic - in Spanish!
James Decker interview - done in the 1900s with a public radio station in Maine.
Minnesota Public Radio Interviews Bernhard Scully (U of Illinois, ex-St Paul Chamber Orchestra, ex-Canadian Brass)

Interview with San Francisco S.O. principal horn Bob Ward
The Man Behind the French Horn - Kevin Owen, principal horn of the Boston Pops

CNN Interview with NY Philharmonic principal horn Phil Myers.
CNN article on Phil Meyers #2: “Philip Myers, French hornist: ‘Practice attacks.’ “ The 6th of a 10 part series on NY Phil musicians.
"Teen Finds His Opportunity in the French Horn" - NPR Interview with Eliodoro Vallecille, recipient of the Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award
International Musician interview with Gail Williams, reprinted on
San Diego Union-Tribune feature article on the Metropolitan Opera's principal horn Julie Landsman.
Interview with James Chambers, longtime solo horn of the NY Philharmonic, reprinted on