Horn Stuff (for sale)
See also Artwork
Horn gifts (Zazzle) - tons (6,904 items listed) of stuff with a graphic or photo and/or slogan about the horn on it: T shirt, shoes, greeting cards, coffee mugs, buttons, ties, tote bags, baby clothes, posters, key rings, hats, aprons, you name it, they have it and it has a horn on it.
French Horn Gifts (Cafepress.com) - like Zazzle: horn T-shirts, travel mugs, sweatshirts, travel bags, stickers, clocks, fridge magnets, coasters, journals, water bottles, teddy bears, polo shirts, etc etc etc (“913 French horn designs on 26,400 products”).

Mad Conductor - like Zazzle and Cafepress. More horn stuff of all sorts:

Horn T-Shirts - by the Dezine Shop - trombone designs are mixed in with horn designs (???!!!)
Printfection - Design your own T-shirt (etc.) in minutes.

Horn Lamp. How can you live without one of these? Available from Ken Pope.