Horn Repair
Repair Technicians - list maintained on the IHS web site

Ken Pope - Also sells Ricco Kuhn horns. Expert in Geyers. Expert in restoration. Ultrasonic cleaning. Valve rebuilds. Rotor replacement. Custom leadpipe. Detachable bell conversion. Amado waterkeys. Wait, there’s more! Sells used horns (sells horns on consignment). And CDs. And sheet music. And books. And DVDs. And bell flares. And accessories/gifts. And mouthpieces. And horn cases. And mutes. And and and...
Osmun Music - Besides being a noted repair shop, Osmun is a great online store, offering new & used instruments, accessories, cases, and CDs.
Houghton Custom Horns - service & repair, used horns. They also sell used horns at homelesshorns.com
Patterson Horns - Maker Jim Patterson is a maker of highly regarded double horns, descant, and natural horns. His shop does brass repairs and offers custom leadpipe, slides and valve caps, which he says makes for significant improvements. Patterson also does restoration of historical instruments.
Grady Instrument Service - Merlin Grady is the go-to instrument repair guy in Northern Iowa (Waterloo).
Greg Beckwith is a freelance horn player and one of the band instrument repair instructors at the MN State College-SE Technical [school for instrument repair - see the video below] in Red Wing, MN. He graduated from MSCSET and apprenticed with Dan Rauch in horn building. Ph.: 651-385-6350.
Cantesanu horn repair and customization - Horn maker and repairman Felix Cantesanu specializes in customizing the Yamaha 667 horn, which includes a new Cantesanu leadpipe, braces removed and/or repositions, valves hand lapped, and lacquer stripped.
Chuck Ward (Chardon, OH) (440) 286-5612. email: cwardbrass@aol.com. Specializing in brass instrument restoration and custom modifications.
Beck Brass Works - Repair, Restoration, Fabrication (replacement parts for vintage instruments), Sales (Marcus Bonna cases, used horns)
B.A.C. Horn Doctor - "Musical instrument repair services..." located in Overland Park, Kansas (outside of Kansas City).
Brass Arts Unlimited
[We couldn’t find Part 2...]

Glen's Horn World - lessons, repair work, CDs, articles, music books, serial numbers (Conn, Holton, Olds, Reynolds, King), classifieds, photo gallery, college studios & chat! See his Horn mouthpiece repair tool - remove the crimp in the end of a (dropped) mouthpiece.
Horn Improvement - So. California shop - slides, valve alignment, all brass repairs, chemical cleaning, dent removal, cryogenic treatment, new instruments.
Not a repair shop, but you might want to check out the Horn Repair interest group on Yahoo where you can ask (and answer) questions about the subject.
No web site, but recommended brass repair persons:
Ron Pinc - well-known Chicago area (Oak Park) brass repairman. 630-889-2189.
Instrument Repair Resources

NAPBIRT (National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair)
Online Mecca for band instrument repair. Offers a free pdf downloadable brochure on how to purchase a band instrument. Lists the 4 instrument repair schools in North America (Iowa (Sioux City), Minnesota (Red Wing), Wisconsin (Elkhorn), & Washington (Renton).
Ferree’s Tools - Source for specialty tools for repairing band instruments
Band Instrument Repairing Manual by Erick Brand, publ. Ferree’s Tools.
Instrument Repair for the Music Teacher by Burton Stanley
Complete Guide to the Maintenance and Repair of Band Instruments by Kenneth Mueller

J. Meinlschmidt GmbH - want to make your own horn? This is the place to go to for your valves.
Votaw Tool Company - Musical instrument repair tools, parts, supplies. It's all here: abrasives, adhesives, brass rod, brass sheet, brass tube, brushes, buffing/polishing, case repair, cleaning, cork, drills, cases, lacquer, patches, rivets, washers, rotary valve bumpers & string, sandpaper; parts for your Conn or Holton...
The Music Trader - Reference site boasting 70 titles on musical instrument repair, among other attractions, including "Comprehensive Dent Removal Tool List," and "A Business Guide for the Repair Technician."
PROBIRT - Professional Band Instrument Repair Technician resource site.
Fred Sullivan's Tips & Techniques - French horn. One of an 8 part VHS video series "to provide answers to the common repair problems music educators are faced with in the classroom.
French Horn String Tying Jig - "Perfect lever alignment every time."
Plating: Anderson Silver [& gold] Plating; GoldChops.com
Band Instrument Repair Technical School (Minnesota Southeast Technical School):
(deleted video)