Index for The Horn Call and The Horn Call Annual, 1995-2000
Editor's Introduction
This index was initially compiled by IHS member Harriet Fierman, to supplement the very large index also appearing on this website, taken from The Horn Call Annual 7 (1995) by Phillip Michael Sehmann. The major difference here is that this index of more recent issues is really only a list of contents (without annotations or subject reference) for further reference and guidance for researching and/or acquiring back issues of journals.
This index includes the contents for Volumes XXVI-XXXII (1995-2002) of The Horn Call, and Numbers 8 and 9 (the final two volumes, 1996 and 1997) of The Horn Call Annual and is updated annually, corresponding with annual indexes appearing in November issues of The Horn Call. While this is not a database, word searches work very well.
Happy hunting!
Jeffrey L. Snedeker, Editor
Volume XXVI, no. 1 (November, 1995)
Hill, Douglas. "Jazz and Horn and More." 17-21.
Barg, Joel. "Kerry Turner: from the King Ranch to the American Horn Quartet." 23-29.
Thompson, Virginia. "The 27th International Horn Workshop: '95 International Horn Festival in Yamagata." 31-35.
Bourgue, Daniel. "Homage to Lucien Thévet." 37-39.
Thévet, Lucien. "Evolution of the Horn and Its Future Perspective." 41-44.
Leuba, Christopher. "Helen Kotas, An Appreciation." 47-48.
Machala, Kazimierz. "Edwin Golnik and His Influence on Horn Players in Poland." 51-52.
Anderer, Joseph. "A & A-flat Horn in Italian Opera." 55-56.
Modirzadeh, Hafez. "Rhythmic Applications in Trans-Intervallicism." 59-60.
Scharnberg, William. "Music and Book Reviews." 65-69.
Scharnberg, William. "Video Review." 69.
LaBar, Arthur. "Music and Book Reviews." 71-72.
Dressler, John. "Recording Reviews." 75-81.
Kurau, Peter. "IHS Scholarship Programs (1994-1995)." 83.
Kurau, Peter. "IHS 1995-1996 Scholarship Programs."85-87.
Kurau, Peter. "Minutes of the IHS Annual Meeting." 89-90.
"Horn Call Index, Volume XXV (1994-95)." 95.
Volume XXVI, no. 2 (February, 1996)
Austin, Paul. "A Conversation with Anthony Halstead." 7-25.
Kirschen, Jeffry. "A Profile of Mason Jones." 27-30.
Gardner, Randy C. "Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan." 33-36.
Chenoweth, Richard. "Audition Basics." 39-42.
Scharnberg, William. "Lookin' Good but Feelin' Bad." 45-46.
Pizka, Hans. "Questions & Observations." 47-48.
VerMeulen, William. "Audition Success: A Pedagogical Approach." 51-58.
Modirzadeh, Hafez. "Chromodal Exercises for the Cross-Cultural Improvisor (Part 1)." 61-62.
LaBar, Arthur. "Music and Book Reviews." 65-67.
Scharnberg, William. "Music and Book Reviews." 69-73.
Dressler, John. "Recording Reviews." 75-80.
Kurau, Peter. "IHS 1995-96 Scholarship Programs." 83-85.
Pherigo, Johnny. "Proposal to Amend the IHS Bylaws." 87.
Volume XXVI, no. 3 (May, 1996)
Sprung, David R. "'Hidden' Stopped Notes in 19th-Century French Opera." 17-25.
Faust, Randall E. "Marvin C. Howe (1918-1994), Singer of Smooth Melodies." 27-36.
LaBar, Arthur. "Thirty-Five Years at the Met: An Interview with Howard T. Howard." 39-46.
Pherigo, Johnny. "Ádám Friedrich: A Profile." 47-48.
Hill, Douglas. "Derivative Etudes: Create Your Own." 51-52.
Bontrager, Lisa O. "Favorite Solo Pieces." 53-56.
Modirzadeh, Hafez. "Chromodal Exercises for the Cross-Cultural Improvisor (Part 2)." 59-62.
Whipple, Jim. "Reading Strange Parts in Strange Clefs." 63-64.
Scharnberg, William. "Music and Book Reviews." 67-71.
LaBar, Arthur. "Music and Book Reviews." 73-76.
Dressler, John. "Recording Reviews." 79-83.
Pherigo, Johnny. "Proposal to Amend the IHS Bylaws." 87.
The Horn Call Annual No. 8 (August, 1996)
Ericson, John Q. "Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, Schubert's Nachtgesang im Walde and Auf dem Strom, and the Horn Technique of the Lewy Brothers in the 1820s." 5-13.
Hiebert, Thomas. "Old and New Roles for the Horn in J. F. Fasch's Hunt Concerto." 15-27.
Lewis, Gail. "The Heart of the Matter: An Introduction to One of Benjamin Britten's Little Known Works for the Horn." 29-39.
Volume XXVII, no. 1 (November, 1996)
Seraphinoff, Richard. "Nodal Venting on the Baroque Horn: A Study in Non-Historical Performance Practice." 21-24.
Hill, Douglas. "The Creative Spirit, the Creative Process, and You." 27-33.
Jolley, David. "Duos for Horn and String Quartet, by George Perle." 35-36.
Gregg, Tim. "Norman Schweikert: A Profile." 39-42.
Mansur, Paul. "IHS Punto Awards: J. Christopher Leuba and Douglas Campbell." 45.
Gorokhov, Lev Yevgenyevich. "Nizhny Novgorod Brass Competition." 47.
Snedeker, Jeffrey L. "The 28th Annual IHS Workshop: Welcome to the Pacific Northwest." 51-52.
Cox, John. "Why Should I Go to the Workshops?" 52-53.
Thelander, Kristin. "IHS Thesis Lending Library." 55-57.
Reynolds, Verne. "The Horn Handbook: Kopprasch Etudes." 59-66.
Schaughency, Steve. "Improvisation Clinic: Learning Jazz Styles Through the Recordings of Julius Watkins." 69-72.
Scharnberg, William. "Music and Book Reviews." 75-80.
Dressler, John. "Recording Reviews." 83-91.
Bontrager, Lisa O. "1996 IHS Scholarships." 95-96.
Bontrager, Lisa O. "IHS 1997 Scholarship Programs." 97-99.
"International Horn Society Financial Reports." 103-106.
Thompson, Virginia. "Minutes of the 1996 IHS General Meeting." 107-108.
"Horn Call Index, Volume XXVI (1995-96)." 110.
Volume XXVII, no. 2 (February, 1997)
Ericson, John Q. "The Original Kopprasch Etudes." 17-21.
Anspaugh, Erin. "Horn Manufacturers, Models, and Distributors." 27-52.
Chenoweth, Richard. "Selecting a New Horn." 55-59.
Martin, Jean. "A. David Krehbiel: Forty Years in the Orchestra." 61-65.
Stebleton, Michelle. "Getting a Grip on Schmidt-Wrap Horns." 69-71.
Schaughency, Steve. "Learning Jazz Styles Through the Recordings of Julius Watkins." 73-79.
Scharnberg, William. "Music and Book Reviews." 83- 85.
Hill, Douglas. "Music and Book Reviews." 87-89.
Dressler, John. "Recording Reviews." 91-95.
Bontrager, Lisa O. "IHS 1997 Scholarship Programs." 103-105.
Volume XXVII, no. 3 (May, 1997)
Tribute to Barry Tuckwell
Seenan, Hugh and Huning, Chris. "Barry Tuckwell: The Early Years in Australia and London." 27-29.
"The Barry Tuckwell Scholarship Fund." 31.
Hill, Douglas. "Barry Tuckwell: Catalyst for New Music for Horn." 33-38.
Kloss, Marilyn Bone and Anderson, Mark J. "Horn Design by Tuckwell." 41-44.
Thompson, Virginia. "Tuckwell on Teaching." 47-53.
Dressler, John. "Tuckwell Discography: Solo and Chamber Music." 55-67.
O'Hara, Keely. "Barry Tuckwell: A Bibliography." 69-72.
Scharnberg, William. "The Tuckwell Collection: Book and Music Reviews." 75-76.
Thelander, Kristin. "Barry Tuckwell's Elegant Finale." 79-82.
"Tributes." 85-97.
The Horn Call Annual No. 9 (August, 1997)
Schlesinger, Kathleen. "'Horn': Encyclopædia Britannica, 11th Edition, (1910-11)." 7-21.
Ericson, John Q. "Joseph Rudolphe Lewy and Valved Horn Technique in Germany, 1937-1851." 23-35.
Volume XVIII, no. 1 (November, 1997)
Trite, Thomas. "Chamber Music for Clarinet and Horn." 23-36.
Snedeker, Jeffrey L. "A 'New' Piece for Natural Horn: Variations pour le Cor, by Charles Zeuner (ca. 1830)." 41-44.
Braun, Elaine. "The Eastman Experience." 47-50.
Mansur, Paul. "1997 Punto Honorees." 51-52.
Hembd, Bruce. "The Horn on the Web." 55-59.
Thompson, Virginia. "IHS News." 61-68.
Schaughency, Steve. "Improvisation Clinic: Learning Jazz Styles Through the Recordings of Julius Watkins." 69-77.
Scharnberg, William. "Book and Music Reviews." 79-84.
Dressler, John. "Recording Reviews." 87-91.
Bontrager, Lisa O. "IHS 1998 Scholarship Programs." 93-95.
Bontrager, Lisa O. "1997 IHS Scholarships." 97.
"International Horn Society Financial Statements." 99-102.
Kurau, Peter. "Minutes of the 1997 IHS General Meeting." 106.
"Horn Call Index, Volume XXVII (1996-97)." 109.
Volume XXVIII, no. 2 (February, 1998)
Augusto, Antonio. "The Brazilian Repertoire for Horn." 23-27.
Ericson, John Q. "The Double Horn and Its Invention in 1897." 31-33.
Scharnberg, William. "A Tribute to Charles Kavalovski." 35-39.
Rizner, Fred. "Ein Heldenleben: The Horn as Protagonist." 43-45.
Kloss, Marilyn Bone. "Fifty Is Not Too Late!" 49-51.
Thompson, Virginia. "IHS News." 53-61.
Schaughency, Steve. "Improvisation Clinic: Learning Jazz Styles Through the Recordings of Julius Watkins." 63-65.
Wekre, Frøydis Ree. "1000 Ways to Teach?" 67.
Scharnberg, William. "Book and Music Reviews." 71-75.
Dressler, John. "Recording Reviews." 77-85.
Sandoval-Thurlow, Deborah. "Guest Recording Review." 89.
"Proposal to Amend the IHS Bylaws." 91.
Bontrager, Lisa O. "IHS 1998 Scholarship Programs." 93-95.
Volume XXVIII, no. 3 (May, 1998)
Kloss, Marilyn Bone. "Concurrent Premiere Introduces a New Trio." 23-30.
Ericson, John Q. "Why Was the Valve Invented?" 35-40.
Kaslow, David. "Perfection and Perfectionism." 43-45.
Nadel, Stephen. "Life in a Brass Quintet." 51-56.
Horowitz, Marc David. "Horn Citations in Recent Medical and Scientific Literature." 59-61.
Thompson, Virginia. "IHS News." 65-69.
Wekre, Frøydis Ree. "But Anyway--What's the Point?" 71.
Fox, Fred. "Decreasing 'Clams,' Increasing Virtuosity." 73.
Johns, Michael. "Left-Hand Problems and Solutions." 75-76.
Scharnberg, William. "Book and Music Reviews." 77-82.
Dressler, John. "Recording Reviews." 83-87.
Volume XXVIII, no. 4 (August, 1998)
Tribute to Hermann Baumann
Kreutzer, Hans Joachim. "Hermann Baumann: A Biography." 23-26.
Baumann, Hermann. "After the Stroke." 29-30.
Baumann. Hella. "Stories from the Wife of a Traveling Hornist." 33-34.
Baumann, Hella. "The Horn as a Symbol." 37-42.
Perlewitz, Friedel. "Hermann Baumann Discography." 45-51.
Darbellay, Jean-Luc, Jan Koetsier, Bernhard Krol, György Ligeti, and Hans-Georg Pflüger. "Laudatio for Hermann Baumann." 55-57.
Blonk, Stefan, Javier Bonet-Manrique, Oliver Kersken, and Thomas Müller. "Hermann Baumann: A Pioneer on Natural Horn." 59-62.
Cakar, Mahir, Annelore Lepetit, Ab Koster, and Adriaan van Woudenberg. "Reflections: Students and Colleagues from the 1960s." 65-68.
Adnet, Jacques, Rigmor Heisto-Strand, Jakob Hefti, Hector McDonald, Joseph Ognibene, Carolyn Sturm, and Tom Swartman. "Recollections: Students and Colleagues from the 1970s." 69-73.
Christinat, Lucas, Prerad Deticek, Michel Gasciarino, Julia Heirich, Susanna Wich, and Paul van Zelm. "Impressions: Students and Colleagues from the 1980s." 75-79.
George, Stanley E., Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Leonard Hokanson, Reiko Honshoh-Chiba, and Engelbert Schmid. "Tributes from Friends and Collaborators." 81-83.
Baumann, Hermann. "Comments from Hermann Baumann." 85.
Thompson, Virginia. "IHS News." 86-95.
Volume XXIX, no. 1 (November, 1998)
Pettit, Heather. "IHS News and Reports." 9-16.
"IHS Banff Horn Summit 1998." 25-28.
Martin, Jean. "Celebration '99." 28.
Scharnberg, William. "1998 Honorary Members." 31.
Grieve, Alex. "In Memoriam: Harold L. Meek (1914-1998)." 33-35.
Gross, Steven. "The 1997 American Horn Competition." 39-40.
Scharnberg, William. "A Tribute to James London." 43-44.
Miles, Patrick. "An American Hornist in London." 47-49.
Ericson, John. "Trashing the Valved Horn?" 53-56.
Lawson, Bruce. "A Primer on Acoustics and Horn Design." 59-63.
Kloss, Marilyn Bone. "Advice for Amateurs." 65-67.
Hammond, L. Curtis. "Of Needles and Haystacks." 69-74.
Littleton, Joe. "Out the Bell..." 116.
Epstein, Eli. "Tackling Shostakovich Five." 75-79.
Dean, David. "Improving Left Hand Finger Dexterity: A Response." 79-82.
Dressler, John. "Recording Reviews." 83-87.
Scharnberg, William, and Virginia Thompson, editors. "Music and Book Reviews." 89-94.
"Minutes of the IHS General Meeting." 99-100.
Thompson, Virginia. "1999 IHS Scholarship Programs." 103-105.
"IHS Financial Statements, 1996 & 1997." 109-112.
Volume XXIX, no. 2 (February, 1999)
Pettit, Heather. "IHS News and Reports." 9-18.
Melton, William. "Franz Strauss: A Hero's Life." 21-26, 103-111.
Owen, Christopher. "Playing on a Long Journey." 29-30.
Smith, Christopher M. "You're Going To Do What To My Horn?" 41.
Kloss, Marilyn Bone. "Advice for Amateurs (conclusion)." 45-49.
Hammond, L. Curtis. "Of Needles and Haystacks (conclusion)." 55-62.
Kurth, Robert. "Out the Bell...(Some) Horn History." 114.
Gabler, Friedrich J. "Viennese Waltzes." 65-69.
Martin, Jean. "The Nocturne: A conversation with Paul Ingraham." 75-77.
'Private Corno.' "No Heros Needed." 79.
Thompson, Virginia and William Scharnberg, editors. "Music and Book Reviews." 85-89.
Dressler, John, editor. "Recording Reviews." 93-96.
Thompson, Virginia. "1999 IHS Scholarship Program." 99-101.
Volume XXIX, no. 3 (May, 1999)
Pettit, Heather. "IHS News and Reports." 15-21.
Wagstaff, Ian. "Special Report: The London Horn Sound." 23-25.
Albrecht, Theodore. "Elias (Eduard Constantin) Lewy and the First Performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony." 27-33, 85-94.
Geddes, Kerry, and Kieg Martin. "It's Never Too Late." 35-37.
Polekh, Valery. "The Birth of the Gliere Horn Concerto." 39-40.
Lang, Jeffrey. "Playing Horn in the Big Apple." 43-44.
Snedeker, Jeffrey L. "New Dragons in the Sky: an interview with Mark Schultz." 47-51.
Thelander, Kristin. "IHS Thesis Lending Library Update." 53-55.
Scharnberg, William. "Relieving Back Pain." 57-58.
Frey, Kevin. "Improvising in Ensembles: Duets, Part I." 61-62.
Pelletier, Andrew. "Embouchure Health and Maintenance." 65-66.
Thompson, Virginia, and William Scharnberg, editors. "Music and Book Reviews." 69-73.
Dressler, John, editor. "Recording Reviews." 77-81.
Blosser-Rainey, Priscilla. "Out the Bell...Fright of the Bumbling Horn." 96.
Volume XXIX, no. 4 (August, 1999)
Pettit, Heather, ed. "IHS News and Reports." 17-23.
Smith, Karen Robertson Smith. "1998 IHS Composition Contest." 25-26.
(various). "Special Report: Celebration '99." 29-32.
Martin, Jean. "1998 Punto Award: Brice Andrus." 35-36.
Thompson, Virginia. "1998 IHS Symposium Scholarship Awards." 37.
Snedeker, Jeffrey. "Music from the Heart: An Interview with Arkady Shilkloper." 39-44.
Joukamo-Ampuja, Erja, and Frøydis Ree Wekre. "Teaching Intonation: Thoughts for Horn Players." 47-50.
Manous, Carlyle. "Mouthpiece Pressure: How Much? What Effects?" 53-60.
Austin, Paul. "Loose Canons: Where are Stravinsky's Canons for Two Horns?" 63-65.
Frucht, Stephen, M.D. "Embouchure Dystonia." 67-68.
Nesmith, David. "What Every Musician Needs to Know about the Body." 71-74.
Frey, Kevin. "Improvising in Ensembles: Duets, Part II." 77-78.
Kaza, Roger. "The Triple Horn Revisited: F/B-flat/High E-flat?" 81-82.
Thompson, Virginia, and William Scharnberg, eds. "Music and Book Reviews." 85-88.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recordings Reviews." 91-95.
Out the Bell. "Images of Celebration '99." 100.
Volume XXX, no. 1 (November, 1999)
Pettit, Heather, ed. "IHS News and Reports." 15-22.
Scharnberg, William. "IHS Commissions a Major Work: Beyond Autumn, Poem for Horn and Orchestra by Joseph Schwantner." 25-29.
Meng, Paul. "The Horn's Heritage in China." 33-38.
Thelander, Kristen. "György Ligeti's Trio." 43-46.
Ericson, John Q. "Crooks and the 19th-Century Horn." 49-58.
Horner, Andrew. "Fake Horns: Experiments in Taped Auditions." 61-65.
Hilliard, Howard. "Horn Playing in Los Angeles, 1920-1970." 67-75.
Morse, John. "Getting Started in Private Teaching." 77-79.
Rosenthal, Philip, M.D. "Back Pain Facts and Fallacies: A Response." 81-82.
Pelletier, Andrew. "Thoughts on Recital Programming." 83-84.
Frey, Kevin. "Improvising in Ensembles: Duets, Part IIa." 85-86.
Thompson, Virginia, and Scharnberg, William, eds. "Music and Book Reviews." 91-95.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 97-100.
Thompson, Virginia. "Minutes of the 1999 IHS General Meeting." 101-102.
Thompson, Virginia. "2000 IHS Scholarship Programs." 103-105.
"IHS Financial Statements for 1998." 109-112.
Fierman, Harriet. "Index to The Horn Call 1997-1999." 119-120.
Ismari, Karon L. "Out the Bell...Camp Ogontz." 124.
Volume XXX, no. 2 (February, 2000)
Pettit, Heather, ed. "IHS News and Reports." 17-26.
Snedeker, Jeffrey L. "1999 Harold Meek Memorial Award." 27.
Houle, Michael and Houle, Janet. "Travelling in China." 28.
Hilliard, Howard. "The History of the Horn in Los Angeles from 1920-1970 (conclusion)." 33-43.
Easter, Wallace. "Ride of the Fripperies: An Interview with Lowell E. Shaw." 47-50.
Meng, Paul. "The Horn's Heritage in China (continued)." 53-58.
Meckna, Michael. "Without Dubbing: Domenico Ceccarosi (1910-1997)." 61-62.
Lawson, Walter. "Instrument-to-Person Coupling." 67-71.
Martin, Jean. "Mahler's Use of the Second Horn in the Ninth Symphony: A Conversation with Allen Spanjer." 73-76.
Frey, Kevin. "Improvising in Ensemble: Duets, Part III - Tone-phrasing." 79-80.
Thompson, Virginia, and Scharnberg, William, eds. "Music and Book Reviews." 85-90.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 95-101.
Thompson, Virginia. "2000 IHS Scholarship Programs." 105-107.
"Proposal to Amend the IHS Bylaws." 108.
Snedeker, Jeffrey L. "Out the Bell...Have You Seen this Statue?" 112.
Volume XXX, no. 3 (May, 2000)
Pettit, Heather, ed. "IHS News and Reports." 17-28.
Howarth, Elgar. "Eulogy for Philip Jones." 29-32.
Cerminaro, John. "The Audition System in America." 35-36.
(various). "The Maestro Paradox." 37.
Pizka, Hans. "Auditions - or Maximum Stress?" 37-38.
Gardner, Randy; Krehbiel, David; Wall, Howard; and Williams, Gail. "Views from the Other Side of the Screen." 39-42.
Hill, Douglas. "Preparing for College (and a Career in Music!)" 43-46.
Dolson, Donna. "Orchestra Auditions in Japan." 47.
Justiniano, Emily. "Auditioning for United States Air Force Bands." 49-50.
Cooper, Christopher. "My Audition with the Canadian Brass." 51.
Chenoweth, Richard. "The Horn in Opera: A Perspective from the Pit." 55-63.
Rosenthal, Philip, M.D. "InderalTM: Better Living through Chemistry or Bargaining with Satan?" 67-73.
Honea, Sion M. "The Recidivist Hornist or `If Rip Van Winkle Played the Horn.'" 77-84.
Thompson, Virginia, and Scharnberg, William, eds. "Music and Book Reviews." 91-96.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 99-100.
Thompson, Virginia. "2000 IHS Scholarship Programs." 105-107.
Klingelhoffer, Bill. "Out the Bell...Goin' to Chicago Blues" 112.
Volume XXX, no. 4 (August, 2000)
Pettit, Heather, ed. "IHS News and Reports." 17-24.
Hecht, Walter. "A Tribute to James Decker." 25-27.
Meek, Harold. " The HORN!" 29-31.
Barboteu, Georges. "The Evolution of the Horn in France and its School." 33-38.
McConathy, Osbourne. "Virtuosity." 41-42.
Cowan, Tom. "Profile Interview with Philip Farkas." 43-47.
Jaenicke, Bruno. "The Horn." 49-50.
Paul, Ernst. "Hunting Music in Austria." 53-56.
Saxton, S. Earl. "Singing on the Horn." 59-63.
Kirby, Percival. "Horn Chords: An Acoustical Problem." 65-67.
Leuba, Christopher. "Inserts in the Horn." 71-72.
Janetzky, Kurt. "Metamorphoses of Possibilities." 73-75.
"A Letter from Dennis Brain." 77.
Witte, Tom. "Playing Second Horn on Beethoven's Symphony No.3." 79-80.
Frey, Kevin. "Improvising in Ensembles: Duets, Part IV: Cipher Notation." 81-82.
Thompson, Virginia, and Scharnberg, William, eds. "Music and Book Reviews." 85-89.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 91-96.
Alexander, Ann. "Out the Bell...Maudlin Meditations of a Mediocre Musician." 100.
Volume XXXI, no. 1 (November, 2000)
Pettit, Heather, ed. "IHS News and Reports." 17-26.
"IHS Honorary Membership Award: Gunther Schuller." 29.
"2000 Punto Awards: Prof. Li Fu and Dr. Young-Yul Kim." 31.
Thompson, Virginia. "2000 Scholarship Awards." 33.
Robertson Smith, Karen. "1999 IHS Composition Contest." 35-36.
Lewis, Gail. "Ethel Merker Receives IWBC Pioneer Recognition Award." 37-39.
Thompson, Virginia. "Lieksan Vaskiviikko! (Lieksa Brass Week)." 41-46.
Engle, Emily, Randy Gardner, Nancy Joy, George Napuda, and Heather Pettit. "Beijing 2000." 49-56.
Wekre, Frøydis Ree. "An Interview with Erich Penzel." 59-63.
Hansen, Kristen. "Gregorian Chant and Two Pieces by Bozza and Busser." 65-68.
Boerger, Ron. "The Electronic Hornist." 73.
Frey, Kevin. "Improvising in Ensemble, Part IVa: Cipher Notation." 75-76.
Nesmith, David. "Ease Performance Anxiety Naturally." 79-80.
Scharnberg, William, ed. "Music and Book Reviews." 83-87.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 89-94.
Thompson, Virginia. "Minutes of the 2000 IHS General Meeting." 97-98.
"IHS 1999 Financial Statements." 99-102.
Hatfield, Michael, coord. "2001 IHS Scholarship Programs." 105-107.
Fierman, Harriet. "Index to The Horn Call, Volume XXX." 111-112.
Melton, William. "Out the Bell: Overlooked 'Horn' Literature." 116.
Volume XXXI, no. 2 (February, 2001)
Pettit, Heather. "IHS News and Reports." 17-28.
Carr, Cynthia. "Music for Oboe, Horn, and Piano Trio." 33-40.
Leuba, Christopher. "Interpreting Evaluations." 43.
Agrell, Jeffrey. "Bibliography of Reference Materials on Auditioning & Orchestral Excerpts." 45-46.
Thompson, Timothy. "No Weak Links." 51-52.
Boerger, Ron. "The Electronic Hornist." 57.
Frey, Kevin. "Improvising in Ensemble, Part V: The Performance." 61-62.
Scharnberg, William, ed. "Music Reviews." 67-69.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 73-77.
Hatfield, Michael, coord. "2001 IHS Scholarship Programs." 81-83.
Snedeker, Jeffrey. "Out the Bell: Horn Cards." 88.
Volume XXXI, no. 3 (May, 2001)
Pettit, Heather. "IHS News and Reports." 17-30.
"2000 Harold Meek Memorial Award: John Ericson." 31.
Thompson, Virginia. "A Long-Awaited Horn Concerto from György Ligeti." 32-34.
Faust, Randall E. "In Memoriam: Helen Kotas Hirsch and The Sound of the Horn." 35-37.
Greer, Lowell D. "Eulogy for Helen Kotas Hirsch (1916-2000)." 37-38.
Metzger, Assja. "An Interview with Radek Baborák." 41-44.
Bartók, Béla. "Alphorn." 47-48.
Kloss, Marilyn. "There is Life after Music School: Three Stories." 51-55.
Leloir, Edmond. "A Visit to Pesaro." 57-58.
Boerger, Ron. "The Electronic Hornist." 63.
Agrell, Jeffrey. "Technique Tips: Quick Study." 67-68.
Ericson, John. "Playing the Descant Horn." 69-71.
Abernathy, Don. "Musical Enrichment Programs for Public Schools: A Guideline." 73-75.
Farkas, Philip. "Brahms' Second Piano Concerto (Revisited)." 77.
Scharnberg, William, ed. "Book and Music Reviews." 81-83.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 85-91.
"Out the Bell: Modern Academics?" 96.
Volume XXXI, no. 4 (August, 2001)
Pettit, Heather. "IHS News and Reports." 17-24.
"IHS Honorary Membership Awards 2001: Walter Lawson, Paul Anderson, Willie Ruff." 25-26.
"IHS Punto Award 2001: Eugene Wade." 27.
Hatfield, Michael. "2001 IHS Scholarship Awards Winners." 29.
Scharnberg, William. "A Tribute to Wayne Barrington." 33-35.
"Postcards from Kalamazoo - IHS 2001." 37-44.
Melton, William. "Greetings from Heaven, or Demonic Noise? A History of the Wagner Tuba, Part 1." 49-58.
Agrell, Jeffrey. "Technique Tips: #2 Power Scales." 63-64.
Scharnberg, William, ed. "Music and Book Reviews." 67-71.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 75-81.
Thelander, Kristin. "IHS Thesis Lending Library Update." 85.
Jones, Carlberg. "Out the Bell: Dennis Brain is on more than just his mind!" 88.
Volume XXXII, No. 1 (November 2001)
Pettit, Heather, ed. "IHS News and Reports." 17-25.
"ACLA: Latin American Horn Society." 27.
Snedeker, Jeffrey. "The Color of Brass: An Interview with Eric Ewazen." 33-34.
Melton, William. "Greetings from Heaven, or Demonic Noise? A History of the Wagner Tuba: Part 2." 37-43.
Honea, Sion M. "A System Approach to Playing and Teaching." 45-48.
Roche-Wallace, Catherine. "Six Solo Concerti from the Blütezeit of the Oettingen-Wallerstein Hofkapelle." 51-56.
Leloir, Edmond. "A Visit to Lisbon." 61.
Agrell, Jeffrey. "The Creative Hornist: 'Often it is the Horn Player'." 67-69.
Rose, Stewart. "Micaela's Aria in Bizet's Carmen." 71-72.
Boerger, Ron. "The Electronic Hornist: Hornists on the 'Net - Thomas Bacon." 75-76.
Agrell, Jeffrey. "Technique Tips: Beyond Power Scales - Patterns." 79-80.
Frey, Kevin. "Past/Presents: Revisiting the Recorded Improvisation." 83-84.
Scharnberg, William, ed. "Music and Book Reviews." 89-91.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 95-99.
Hatfield, Michael. "2002 IHS Scholarship Programs." 103-105.
Fako, Nancy Jordan. "Minutes of the 2001 IHS General Meeting." 107-108.
"IHS 2000 Financial Statements." 109-112.
Fierman, Harriet. "Index to The Horn Call XXXI (November, 2000-August, 2001)." 113.
Gullickson, Lynn. "Out the Bell: Holiday Cheer." 116.
Volume XXXII, No. 2 (February 2002)
Pettit, Heather, ed. "IHS News and Reports." 17-25.
"2001 Harold Meek Memorial Award." 26.
Larkin, Christopher. "Four-horned Fandango: An Interview with Mark-Anthony Turnage." 27-28.
Tritle, Thomas. "A Legacy of Elegance: An Interview with Francis Orval." 33-35.
Garcin-Marrou, Michel. "The Ascending Valve System in France: A Technical and Historical Approach." 39-44.
Honea, Sion M. "A System Approach to Playing and Teaching, Part 2." 47-51.
Melton, William. "Greetings from Heaven, or Demonic Noise? A History of the Wagner Tuba: Part 3." 55-62.
Agrell, Jeffrey. "The Creative Hornist: Horn Design 101." 65-67.
Frey, Kevin. "Past/Presents: Julius Watkins and Linda Delia." 71-74.
Boerger, Ron. "The Electronic Hornist: The Promise - and the Peril - of Buying Online." 77.
Kaslow, David. "The Exercise from Hades." 81-82.
Agrell, Jeffrey. "Technique Tips: The Stepping Stone Approach." 85-86.
Scharnberg, William, ed. "Music and Book Reviews." 89-90.
Dressler, John, ed. "Recording Reviews." 93-97.
Hatfield, Michael. "2002 IHS Scholarship Programs." 99-101.
Kelly, Glenn. "Out the Bell: The French Horn, Eugene, Oregon." 104.
Volume XXXII, No. 3 (May 2002)
Pettit, Heather, ed. "IHS News and Reports." 17-25.
Bourgue, Daniel, and Nancy Jordan Fako. "Festival International de Cor de Vire." 27-28.
Fako, Nancy Jordan, and Daniel Bourgue. "A Conversation with Edmond Leloir." 33-40.
Melton, William. "Greetings from Heaven, or Demonic Noise? Part 4: Fruition." 43-53.
McFarland, Mark. "An Interview with James Thatcher." 57-59.
Turner, Kerry. "In Defense of Clams?" 61.
Agrell, Jeffrey. "The Creative Hornist: Do you PLAY your Horn?" 65-66.
Frey, Kevin. "Past/Presents #3: John Clark and Airegin." 69-71.
Boerger, Ron. "The Electronic Hornist: Making Music...on your PC!" 73.
Meeroff, Myrna. "A Unique Solution to the Plating Problem." 75-76.
Agrell, Jeffrey. "Technique Tips: Learning from Others 1: Low Brass." 77-78.
Scharnberg, William, ed. "Music and Book Reviews." 81-84.
Dressler, John, and Smith, Calvin, eds. "Recording Reviews." 87-93.
"Out the Bell: ODDS and ENDS." 96.