Horn Artwork and Graphics

Fun with Photoshop - a gallery of amazing horn + famous person or painting photoshop magic by Bruce Hembd. We wish we could do that.
If you're not proficient in Photoshop, the quick and easy way to edit digital images for the rest of us is Picnik.com, where you can crop, resize, rotate, change/add fonts, add special effects, and more, right in your browser - no registration, no downloads, nothing to install.
Microsoft Office Images - 1000s of free illustrations, photos, animations, and sound courtesy of Microsoft Office online libraries. Try a search for “music.”

Zero-G - We don’t know what this site is exactly - it’s all in Italian - but they have a very cool graphic entitled “French Horn”
Horn Iconography
Prof. Mary Rasmussen has compiled a list of where a horn image appears in European art work of the 15th-17th centuries.
NYPL Digital Gallery - Gigantic collection of digital old images. This link is for music.

Artist Dave Coleman is selling a "French Horn Painting" or print at Fine Art America.
Music Images - by LinkWare Graphics. They also do music-themed custom orders and web design.
Unsplash.com - many many free photos here.
Fine Art America - They currently offer 181 items (photos, paintings); one caveat: among these are pictures with, say, a trumpet but no horn - their search engine is not fastidious in what it calls a horn… The quality seems to be very good, and you can order the art either as prints or as a greeting card, mirabile dictu. Cool! Examples:

Red Bubble - Wild assortment of horn photos, artwork, cartoons, etc.- 84 of them. Apparently the pix are available on TShirt, iPhone cases, sticker, posters, cards, and prints. Examples:

Commissioned horn plaque. Available from Ken Pope.
Music Graphic Mania - Free music clip art and backgrounds + links to more.
Music Graphics Galore
Historic Print (24" X 36") - Woman with hunting horn and dog on a leash. Museum quality reproduction on premium paper
Natural Horn Images - simply a link to a Google search for "natural horn."
Valve Horn Images - simply a link to a Google search for "French horn." Yeah, I know. But it cuts down on all the pictures of cow horns, etc.
Bing horn images - same search using Microsoft's new Bing search engine. Attractive layout.
Picsearch - image search engine. Very good selections. Provides size (in pixels) and size in kilobytes (kb). A search for "French horn" turned up 11,372 results.
30 Free Image Resources on the Web - article on About.com
Jo Sedlack - among artist Sedlack's swirling, expressionistic paintings is one of a woman playing the horn (her daughter is studying horn at the Cincinnati Conservatory). According to Bruce Hemd (Horndog Blog), it sold for the bargain price of $250.
DS Art - Composite images by Don Stewart. Whimsical, delightful, humorous, fascinating black & white art work where objects are "constructed" out of other smaller objects. There is a wild assortment of objects depicted, everything from bagpipes to catfish to elephants, but artist Stewart obviously has a soft spot for music since you can find representations of many musical instruments here, including all the brasses. Have a look at his composite horn image. You can buy the whole gallery as a coffee table book or buy them individually as art works.
Horn Posters, Prints & Photos - commercial sources
Zazzle - 11 posters; subtract 3 photos of "the Golden Horn from Istanbul"
AllPosters.com - 4 prints. Similar images available at Art.com
"French Horn" by Robert Bruce. Image for sale in the Lulu Marketplace
"French horn." Photo of a mouse "playing" a tiny horn. Really! Available as a card or print. By "Ellen", who specializes in such mouse photos.
GoGraph - “5 million stock photos”. A search for “French horn” turns up 405 stock photos & graphic images. Price depends on size of the jpeg, XSmall $5, Small $15, Medium $40, Large $40.
Fotosearch stock images of the horn - huge assortment of (mostly) royalty-free photos of horns. Not cheap, but high quality.
FreeArt - sister site of Fotosearch (above). FreeArt offers free small art prints of 26+ million images. $1.99 (shipping)buys an art print. A search for French horn turns up 19 pages of images.
Can Stock Photo - offers several dozen nice horn photos; downloads are only $1 each.
iStockphoto.com yields 231 results for a search for "French horn". The price depends on what size photo you want to order, from XSmall (5.8" X 4") to Large 12.3 X 8.5". Each picture is worth so many "credits", and you pay per credit. A large horn photo (selected at random) was 12 credits, which costs $18.00. You can pay as you go or sign up for a subscription (cheaper if you download a lot).
A similar stock photo site is 123RF, which returned "52 matches." Similar payment system.
See also Corbis, which had fewer matches for "French horn", but some interesting choices.
We also liked the choices at BigStockPhoto, which seemed to have some of the same photos as, e.g. iStockphoto - apparently the photographers are not necessarily bound to one stock photo service. Good prices.