For High School Players
A copy of Prof. Agrell's High School Player's Guide to Playing the Horn is available to high school horn players and band directors free (as a pdf download) at the website under Free Stuff. It contains much useful and effective information about improving your horn playing and expanding your knowledge of the horn. You may print out unlimited copies or distribute pdf copies via email.
High school players are invited to visit Prof. Agrell at the University of Iowa for a free lesson or to email or come by and talk about any aspect of horn playing, e.g. equipment, repertoire, technique, horn study, and so on.
Junior high and high school players from the area may also inquire about taking private lessons with Prof. Agrell or his students.
High school players are encouraged to ask their band directors to arrange a visit from Prof. Agrell for a concert, clinic, horn ensemble session, lessons, or just to talk about playing horn.

Prof. Agrell is on the faculty of the prestigious Kendall Betts Horn Camp in New Hampshire in June, highly recommended for horn players looking for concentrated horn study - and a lot of fun.

The International Horn Society - It's a really good idea to join the IHS. You join a worldwide community of over 3000 horn enthusiasts, and receive The Horn Call (the journal of the IHS) 3 times a year; it is your window on a wider world of horn playing. The Horn Call contains news of the horn from around the globe, announcements of concerts, recordings, competitions, sheet music, CDs, and articles on many horn-related subject. Being a member is essential for any passionate horn player of any age. Young players get a special rate. The IHS also stages a annual horn workshop bringing together horn players from all over the world.
Preparing for College - An excellent list of Frequently Asked Questions about music study from the National Association of Schools of Music
More advanced players (and their teachers) may be interested in learning about horn technique in much greater detail with Jeffrey Agrell's new book (447 p., 2017) Horn Technique. See the Table of Contents here.