Clinics, Lessons, and Masterclasses
Play With a Pro - a movie library where great teachers share their knowledge of their instrument. You download the movie and view it on your computer. For horn: Radovan Vlatkovic (currently: Masterclass 1 & 2, Group Warm-Up, Interview). $20 each.
Horn Channel - YouTube educational videos from Ifor James (see below), Greg Cass, and others.
Private Lessons with Erik Ralske - NY Phil 3rd Horn Ralske offers video lessons at for $5 each(unlimited online access to the lesson for 1 month from purchase date): 1) Orchestral excerpts (Brahms 4, Dvorak New World, Mussorgsky Pictures, Strauss - Till, Franck Dm Sym., Wagner - Short Call [36:44] ; 2) Kopprasch [26:00] 3) Mozart 4 & 2 [30:03]. Short samples available.
French Horn Clinic by Philip Farkas - Farkas on developing dynamic range, courtesy Conn-Selmer Keynotes
Ask the Pros - a monthly online advice column from the web site of the International Horn Society, written by such liminaries as Frank Lloyd, Dale Clevenger, Thomas Bacon, Frøydis Ree Wekre, Robert Ward, David Johnson, Michael Thompson, and Philip Meyers. - horn lessons by Andrew McAfee. 11 video lessons (also available on
1. The Five Must Have Techniques (free online)
2. Basic Breathing (free online)
3. Starting Notes (free online)
The rest cost $5 each:
4. Buzzing the Lips
5. Mouthpiece
6. Hand Position in the Bell
7. Connecting to the Horn
8. The Jaw and Slurring
9. Warm-Up Exercise
10. Trills
11. Tuning the Horn
Videos 1-11 available online for $35 or mailed DVD for $50
Member News - Posting by IHS members of masterclasses, workshops, etc.
John Barrows Masterclass, Mouthpieces & Geyers, Bore & Style, On Style & Hand Stopping - podcast - from the very first IHS workshop held at Florida State University in 1969.

Hermann Baumann Master Classes (1-6)
Barry Tuckwell - French Horn Lesson Part 1 - YouTube video. A lesson in Horn History: conch shells, cow horn, alphorn, hunting horn, horn in the orchestra [B.T. plays Telemann Concerto - opn the valve horn] . Italian subtitles! 9' 54"
Barry Tuckwell - French Horn Lesson Part 2 - continues the history lesson with demos: Inventionshorn, Beethoven Sonata (hand horn), Mozart No. 2 (valve horn), , 9' 38"
Barry Tuckwell - French Horn Lesson Part 3 - Mozart 2 (Mvt 2), Adagio & Allegro, Concerto Rondo 9' 45"
Barry Tuckwell - French Horn Lesson Part 4 - Concerto Rondo (cont'd), Mozart & Leutgeb, Mozart 1 I (valve horn) - complete with Mozart's comments (in the score), Mozart fragments, Bennett Sonata, 10' 01"
Barry Tuckwell - French Horn Lesson Part 5 - Britten's "Music for Tenor, Horn & Strings", Concert Rondo, 9' 03"
Ifor James Videos - the late, great English hornist talks about life, horn, and teaching horn.

Videos using Breathing Devices.
Windsong Press offers a plethora of web videos of Arnold Jacobs demonstrating breathing devices on this web page, including:
-Air bags
-Breath Builder
-Peak Flow Meter
-Variable Resistance Compound Gauge
-Vital Capacity
-Mouthpiece rims
-Buzz aids
-Buzzing without a rim
-Away from the instrumnet
-On smoking