Camps and Workshops
Click here for a link to extensive listings of horn events at the IHS Web Site
Iowa Summer Music Camp - for high school players at the School of Music of The University of Iowa June 9-14, 2013
Horn Symposiums - list of part IHS symposiums + links to regional US horn workshops

Kendall Betts Horn Camp
[Full disclosure: Jeffrey Agrell has been on the faculty of the KBHC since 2005]. The legendary KBHC consists of three one-week sessions in June (June 7-30, 2013; your choice of one, two, or three weeks) completely devoted to the horn, located at the rustic Camp Ogontz in the White Mountains of New Hampshire – no distractions (e.g. no internet, newspapers, radio, TV, email). Just 40-some enthusiastic horn ‘campers’ (ages 14 to 80, high school, college, adult amateur, pros) and a baker's dozen of nationally and internationally known horn faculty such as Kendall Betts, Bernard Scully, Jesse McCormick, Jeffrey Agrell, Carolyn Blice, Paul Basler, Kevin Welch, Peter Kurau, Randy Gardner, Lowell Greer, Michael Hatfield, Douglas Hill, Ted Thayer, Ellen Dinwiddie Smith, Robert Hoyle, Eli Epstein, Wayne Lu). Approximate schedule: Mornings: 3 hours of master classes, afternoon: private lessons, ensemble rehearsals, mock auditions; evening: concerts, presentations, recitals. A unique and unforgettable experience – highly recommended for passionate horn players of any age, level, or experience! A chance to have 40 new best friends and rub elbows with some remarkable hornists. Scholarships available – apply by March. Author of I Found My Horn Jasper Rees has written about his experiences at KBHC here.
Southeast Horn Workshop - March 8-10, 2013 at Virginia Commonwealth University. Guest artists include Annamia Larsson, Ricard Todd, New York Brass Arts Trio, and composer in residence UI grad student James Naigus.
Midwest Horn Workshop - February 22-24, 2013 at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. Guest artists include Bernhard Scully and Richard Todd.
Western Horn Symposium - January 18-20, 2013 at the University of Las Vegas. Guest artists include Julie Landsman, Genghis Barbie, MirrorImage, Annie Bosler, Mike Thornton, Bruce Atwell, Brent Shires, John McGuire, and the Army Ground Forces Band.
Mid-South Horn Workshop - March 15-17, 2013 at West Texas A&M University (Canyon, TX). Guest artists include Martin Hackleman, Vladimiro Cainero, J.D. Shaw, Nathaniel Willson, Dr. and Lanette Compton.
Northeast Horn Workshop - March 22-24, 2013 at the University of Connecticut. Guest artists include Michael Gast, Randy Gardner, Eli Epstein, and John Clark.
The 9th Lugano Horn Workshop will be held in Lugano, Switzerland July 3-9, 2011. Participants will attend master classes, group lessons, participate in ensembles and perform in concerts. The workshop is open to all french hornists. Ensembles will be formed based on experience and individual abilities. Join instructors David Johnson, founder of the American Horn Quartet, Froydis Ree Wekre, Andreas Kamber, and Sandro Ceccarelli for a week of intensive study and fun in the sun.
Daytona Beach Horn Ensemble Workshop July 7-13 2013. Participants will attend master classes, group lessons, participate in ensembles and perform in concerts with the at Daytona State College and around the town. The workshop is open to all french hornists. Ensembles will be formed based on experience and individual abilities. Join instructors David Johnson, founder of the American Horn Quartet, Michelle Stebleton, Dan Phillips, Martin Hackleman, and Bill Warnick for a week of intensive study and fun in the sun. Visit the workshop website,, or email Heather Pettit-Johnson at
Summer Music Camps, Festivals & Retreats - Savvy Musician’s list of all sorts of summer music performance and study possibilities
Interlochen Arts Camp - Horn Institute
"An opportunity for horn players 14-25 to spend a week [June 16-22] of intensive study with a distinguished faculty" that includes Tom Bacon, Douglas Campbell, Ellen Campbell, Randall Faust, and Julie Schlief. Tuition is $775. Financial aid available.
Madeleine Island Music Camp - Chamber music for winds - July 11-18, 2011, featuring the Prairie Winds Quintet. Horn faculty this year: Tod Bowermaster of the St. Louis Symphony.

Bar Harbor Brass Week - June 23-30, 2013. Adam Unsworth is the horn teacher.
Audition Mode Horn Seminar - Workshop by Karl Pituch and Denise Tryon at Temple University on auditioning June 12-19, 2011.
Barry Tuckwell Institute - July 8-13, 2013, Gunnison, CO
Aspen Music Festival and School - "American's premier music festival and training ground for young musicians"

Natural Horn Workshop June 14-19, 2010
Richard Seraphinoff, besides being a natural horn maker and performer, also offers a unique week-long workshop on natural at Indiana University every summer. It is open to professionals, students, teachers, and advanced amateurs. "The schedule will include a daily master class, an ensemble session, and a lecture. Each student will receive two private lessons during the week. An informal concert will conclude the workshop. For participants who do not own an instrument, a limited number of horns will be available." Limited to 15 participants, so apply early!
Internationale Naturhorn Akademie Bad Dürkheim
Among other things, it offers natural horn workshops, concerts, and a wonderful list of hard-to-find natural horn CDs.
Rome Festival