Brass Ensembles
The Brass Factory - Brass ensembles from all over the world.
Polished Brass is a site that lists many US brass quintets with brief annotations for each.
For links to many pro brass quintet web sites, see James Boldin's wonderful site "Guide to the Brass Quintet"
The Symphonic Brass of London is an “ensemble of the finest musicians” of London (a who’s who of famous brass players!) that appears in various formations - dectet, quintet, orchestral brass, symphonic, big band. Treat your ears and listen to the audio clips on their web site, or better, order their CDs.
Denver Brass - Brass ensemble sheet music catalog

The Iowa Brass Quintet, faculty brass quintet of the University of Iowa, is one of the oldest brass quintets in the country, and has performed locally, regionally, and nationally. Read more about it here.

Atlantic Brass Quintet - one of premiere brass quintets, featuring The University of Iowa's own John Manning on tuba.
New York Brass Quintet - influential pioneering brass quintet

Robert Nagel, Allan Dean, Thompson Hanks, Paul Ingraham, John Swallow

The London Brass ensemble is the successor to the Philip Jones Brass Ensemble - both among the finest brass groups ever. The PJBE pioneered the unique instrumentation of 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, horn and tuba. This tentet is perhaps more popular in Europe than America, but perhaps America will catch up one of these days... The LBJE web site offers pages on History [of the group], News, Music, Shop, Booking & Contact. Current hornist is Richard Bissell. You can buy some of their music at Brasswind Publications as part of their London Brass Series (4, 5, 7, and 10 part ensembles).

The Philip Jones Brass Ensemble was in existence from 1951 to 1986 (!!) and was a momument to excellence in brass playing. The group made many recordings (132 LPs and CDs!!) and had its own superb "house arranger" in Elgar Howarth. The Just Brass series published by Chester has many PJBE arrangements and compositions. Read more about the PJBE here, here, and here. Check out the many YouTube video performances of the group; samples to get you started here (!!Frank Lloyd!!!), here, here, and here (audio + the above photo). Editions BIM has published a book by Donna McDonald chronicling the group: "The Odyssey of the Philip Jones Brass Ensemble"

Mnozil Brass
Unbelievable, off-the-charts, barrel-of-monkeys, all-by-heart, paradigm-busting brass + je ne sais quoi performance. Inspired virtuoso lunacy, fun, and brass playing since 1992 from deep in the heart of Austria.

Chestnut Brass Company
Grammy-winning brass quintet. Specialists on historical brass instruments.

German Brass
(Wahnsinnig gut!!)

Spanish Brass luur metalls
Astonishing Spanish brass quintet.

Dallas Brass
Brass quintet + percussion.

Empire Brass
Well-known brass quintet with many CDs of all styles.

Canadian Brass
The one, the only...
You can buy their sheet music, CDs, instruments, accessories, T-shirts, and more at their online store.
Rekkenze Brass - well-known German brass quintet

The Boston Brass are known for their entertaining concerts and wide variety of styles, from jazz to classical, humorous/serious approach.