Books on the Horn/Brass Playing/Musicianship
Short list: Current Recommendations:
Blow Your Own Horn! - Horn Heresies by Fergus McWilliam
-Real World Horn Playing, by Wendell Rider
Monelle, Raymond - The Musical Topic: Hunt, Military & Pastoral
-Guide to Horn Ensemble Repertoire by Rebecca Boehm Shaffer
-The Brass Gym by Sam Pilafian and Patrick Sheridan
-A Devil to Play: One Man's Year Long Quest to Master the Orchestra's Most Difficult Instrument by Jasper Rees
-Introducing the Horn by John Ericson
-Playing High Horn by John Ericson
-The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century, by Alex Ross
-Essential Dictionary of Music (Alfred Publ.)
-Beyond Talent: Creating a Successful Career in Music, by Angela Myles Beeching
–A Soprano On Her Head, by Eloise Ristad
- Practiceopedia, by Philip Johnston
-Talent is Overrated, by Geoff Colvin
-The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle
Klickstein, Gerald - The Musician’s Way: A Guide to Practice, Performance, and Wellness
Google Book Search - How to get there (besides the link given here): Google>More>Books>Advanced Book Search. Put in "French horn" (or just "horn") and click "Full View Only." Then marvel at all the article from years and ages past (scanned articles going back to the early 1800s) that you can either read online or download as pdf files or plain text. What an age we live in!
Ahrens, Christian. Transl. Steven Plank. - Valved Brass: The History of an Invention.
Amis, Kenneth, The Brass Player's Cookbook: Creative Recipes for a Successful Performance

Anderson, Paul - Brass Solo and Study Material
Anderson, Paul - Brass Ensemble Music Guide (1985)
Baines, Anthony - Brass Instruments: History and Development
Belfrage, Bengt - Practice Methods for Brass Players
Berv, Harry - A Creative Approach to the French Horn
Bailey, Wayne, et al - Teaching Brass: A Resource Manual
Bourgue, Daniel - Conversations About the Horn
Brüchle, Bernhard - Horn Bibliographie (3 vol.)
Brüchle & Janetzky - A Pictorial History of the Horn
Brüchle & Janetzky - The Horn
Bushouse, David - Practical Hints on Playing the Horn
Coar, Birchard - The French Horn
Coar, Birchard - A Critical Study of 19th C. Horn Virtuosi in France
Cummings, Barton - Teaching Technique on Brass Instruments
Damrow, Frits - Fitness for Brass
Dauprat, L.-F. - Method for Cor Alto and Cor Basse (1824)
Davis, Richard - Becoming an Orchestral Musician: A Guide for Aspiring Professionals
Dunnick & Dunnick - Teaching Brass to Beginners
Eliason, Robert - Early American Brass Makers
Ericson, John - Introducing the Horn
Ericson, John - Playing High Horn: A Handbook for High Register Playing, Descant Horns, and Triple Horns
Farkas, Philip - The Art of French Horn Playing

Farkas, Philip - The Art of Brass Playing
Farkas, Philip - The Art of Musicianship
Farkas, Philip - A Photographic Study of 40 Virtuoso Horn Players’ Embouchures
Fako, Nancy - Philip Farkas and His Horn
Fasman, Mark - Brass Bibliography: Sources on the History, Literature, Pedagogy, Performance, and Acoustics of Brass Instruments
Fitzpatrick, Horace - The Horn and Horn Playing and the Austro-Bohemian Tradition from 1630 to1830
Frisch, Roger - The Orchestra Audition
Gardner, Randy - Mastering the Horn’s Low Register
Gorham, Charles - Brass Player's Guide to German Terms of Mahler
Gregory, Robin - The Horn
Herbert & Wallace - Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments

Hernon, Michael - French Horn Discography (Greenwood Press)
Hill, Douglas - Collected Thoughts (Warner Bros.)
Hill, Douglas - Extended Techniques for Horn (Warner Bros.)
Hill, Douglas - WarmUps & Maintenance Sessions (ReallyGoodMusic)
Hill, Douglas - High Range for the Horn Player (ReallyGoodMusic)
Hill & Froseth - Introducing the French Horn (G.I.A.)
Hoeltzel, M. - Mastery of the French Horn (Schott)
Hosek, Miroslav - The Woodwind Quintet (Brüchle Editions)
Humphries, John - The Early Horn: A Practical Guide (Cambridge)
Johnston, Philip - Practiceopedia
Kaslow, David - Living Dangerously With the Horn: Thoughts on Life and Art

Kihslinger, Mary - Solos for Horn and Piano
King, Robert - Brass Players Guide (Robert King)
Klickstein, Gerald - The Musician’s Way: A Guide to Practice, Performance, and Wellness
Leuba, J.C. - A Study of Musical Intonation - "Written in 1962 and in its 4th revision."
Ley, Ann - A Compendium of Pedagogical Approaches for Selected Topics Pertaining to Horn UI Thesis, 1994
McGill, David - Sound in Motion: A Performer's Guide to Greater Musical Expression
McLaughlin, Brian - American Horn Making in the 20th Century UI Thesis, 1998
Meckna, Michael - Twentieth Century Brass Soloists (Greenwood Press)
Meek, Harold - Horn and Conductor (U. of Rochester Press)
Merewether, Richard - The Horn, the Horn (Paxman)
Monelle, Raymond - The Musical Topic: Hunt, Military & Pastoral
Montagu, Jeremy - The French Horn (Shire Publications)

Morley-Pegge, R. - The French Horn (2nd ed.) (Ernest Benn Ltd.)
Pettitt, Stephen - Dennis Brain (Robert Hale)
Pilafian, Sam, and Sheridan, Patrick, The Brass Gym for horn players
Pizka, Hans - Hornisten-Lexicon (Pizka Editions)
Pizka, Hans - Mozart and the Horn (Pizka Editions)
Pritchard, Paul - The Business (professional horn player)
Rees, Jasper - A Devil to Play (US title); I Found My Horn (UK title). Writer Jasper Rees shares the colorful details of his 40th year in which he relearned the instrument (the horn!) that he abandoned as a teenager. Note: the book has been made into a one-man play (!!!!) that premiered in the Fall of 2008.
Reynolds, Verne - The Horn Handbook (Amadeus Press) eBook version

Rider, Wendell - Real World Horn Playing

Ruff, Willie - A Call to Assembly: Autobiography (Viking Books)
Schuller, Gunther - Horn Technique, 2nd ed. (Oxford)
Schmutzig, Eric von, - Complete Method für der Valdhorn oder Ventilhorn. Hilarious parody of old time horn methods. Still available from Wiltshire Music.
Shaffer, Rebecca Boehm - A Guide to Horn Ensemble Repertoire
Steenstrup, Kristian - Teaching Brass (Aarhus U. Press)
Stewart, ed. - Arnold Jacobs: Legacy of a Master (Instrumentalist)
Stewart, ed. - Philip Farkas: Legacy of a Master (Instrumentalist)
Stork, J. & P. - Understanding the Mouthpiece (Editions Bim)
Tuckwell, Barry - Playing the Horn (Oxford)
Tuckwell, Barry - The Horn (Schirmer Books)

Weast, Robert - Keys to Natural Performance for Brass Players
Weast, Robert - Valuable Repetitions for Brass Players
Wekre, Froydis Ree - Thoughts on Playing the Horn Well
Whitener, Scott - A Complete Guide to Brass (Schirmer), 3rd Edition w/ CD
Yancich, Milan - An Orchestra Musician’s Odyssey (Wind Music)
Yancich, Milan - A Practical Guide to French Horn Playing (Wind Music)
Brass Anthology - A collection of brass articles published in the Instrumentalist magazine.