For Band Directors

See also Bands, Music Education
High School Player's Guide to Playing the Horn - 19 page booklet, available free on request (also as a pdf file).
Musical House Calls
Dr. Ambrose (and students) offer the following to interested band directors at no charge:
•Personal visits
-Performances (solo, chamber music, horn ensemble)
-Clinics and workshops on a variety of topics
-Sample lessons
-Preparation for All-State auditions
•Email, phone, newsletter information on horn playing tips, how to improve your horn section, horn books, pedagogy, repertoire, technique, warm-ups, practicing, performance nerves, etc.
Teachers of Gr. 5-12 horn students may request similar services.
Students, directors, and horn teachers are also invited to visit Dr. Ambrose at the UI School of Music at any mutually convenient time. Just email or call.