Students interested in the UI Horn Studio are welcome to contact Prof. Agrell
for a meeting and/or a free lesson.
Undergraduate Auditions
Audition Day usually falls on the second Friday in February, but an audition may be arranged for any mutually convenient date. An undergraduate audition consists of playing two solos of contrasting style (e.g. one lyrical, one technical; may be a solo or an etude; it may be one movement of a concerto, sonata, etc.), major and chromatic scales and sight-reading.
Auditionees are advised to choose solo works that match and demonstrate their current musical and technical abilities.
Online Audition Application Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Graduate Auditions
Graduate auditions are played before for the UI brass faculty and consist of playing about a half-hour program of solo repertoire selections (may be a single movement) from various eras (should include a first movement from both a Mozart Concerto and a R. Strauss Concerto, plus something from the contemporary literature at minimum) plus standard orchestral excerpts (demonstrating both high and low horn abilities). Auditioners should bring to the audition four copies of the list of solos and excerpts that they are prepared to perform (not the sheet music).
Contact Prof. Agrell for further details.